2016-04-01 24 views

çevreleri metin eklemek için ben enter image description hereedilemiyor d3

Şimdi ben her balonuna bazı metin etiketi eklemek istediğiniz aşağıdaki resimde görüldüğü gibi bir kabarcık grafik oluşturmak için çalışıyorum. Ama bunu yapamam. Şu ana kadar araştırdığımdan, bu çevreleri 'g' düğümlerini ayırmak için eklemek zorundayım. Bu görevi nasıl gerçekleştirebileceğim konusunda bana yol gösterebilir. Takip

benim kod önceden

BubbleChart.prototype.create_vis = function() { 
    var that, 
    _this = this; 
    this.vis = d3.select("#"+div) 
    .attr("viewBox", "0 -20 "+(divWidth)+" "+(divHeight + margin.top + margin.bottom)+" ") 
    .attr("id", "svg_vis"); 

    var gradient = this.vis.append("svg:defs").selectAll("radialGradient").data(this.data).enter() 
    .attr("id", function(d) { 
     return "gradient" + (d[columns[0]]).replace(/[^a-zA-Z0-9]/g, '', 'gi'); 
    .attr("fx", "5%") 
    .attr("fy", "5%") 
    .attr("r", "50%") 
    .attr("spreadMethod", "pad"); 

    .attr("offset", "0%") 
    .attr("stop-color", "rgb(240,240,240)") 
    .attr("stop-opacity", 1); 

    .attr("offset", "80%") 
    .attr("stop-opacity", 1); 
    gradient = this.vis.append("svg:defs").selectAll("radialGradient").data(this.data).enter() 
    .attr("id", function(d) { 
     return "gradientDrill"; 
    .attr("fx", "5%") 
    .attr("fy", "5%") 
    .attr("r", "50%") 
    .attr("spreadMethod", "pad"); 

    .attr("offset", "0%") 
    .attr("stop-color", "rgb(240,240,240)") 
    .attr("stop-opacity", 1); 

    .attr("offset", "80%") 
    .attr("stop-color", drillShade) 
    .attr("stop-opacity", 1); 
    var node = this.vis.append("g") 
    this.circles = this.vis.selectAll("circle") 
    that = this; 

    var circles1=this.circles.enter() 
    .attr("class", "node") 
    .attr("fill", "blue") 
    .attr("stroke-width", 2) 
    //   .attr("stroke", function(d) { 
    //    return "url(#gradient" + (d.name).replace(/[^a-zA-Z0-9]/g, '', 'gi') + ")"; 
    //   }) 
    .attr("id", function(d) { 
     return d.name+ ":" + d.id + "_" + d.measure; 
    .attr("index_value", function(d, i) { 
     return "index-" + d.name.replace(/[^a-zA-Z0-9]/g, '', 'gi'); 
    .attr("class", function(d, i) { 
     return "bars-Bubble-index-" + d.name.replace(/[^a-zA-Z0-9]/g, '', 'gi')+div; 

    return this.circles.transition().duration(500) 
    .attr("r", function(d) { 
     return d.radius; 


teşekkürler olduğunu!


onay bu lütfen https://bl.ocks.org/mbostock/4063269 – Cyril


@Cyril burada etikete sahip olmayan çalışma grafiğin keman https: //jsfiddle.net/ob7yzww6/26/ ve takip ettiğim etiket eklemeye çalıştığım (çalışmayan) https://jsfiddle.net/ob7yzww6/27/. Lütfen ne yaptığımı belirtin. yanlış!!! – ValarMorghulis



Çevreleri ve metin etiketlerini g öğelerini kullanarak gruplandırmanız gerekir. Daha sonra düğüm öğelerini, cx ve cy öznitelikleri yerine g öğelerinin dönüşüm özelliğini kullanarak güncelleştirin.

Güncelleme Fiddle:

var chartData = JSON.parse('{"chart1":{"viewBys":["Category","Store"],"viewIds":["13917","13972"],"dimensions":["13917","13972"],"aggregation":["SUM"],"meassures":["Total Orders"],"defaultMeasures":["Total Orders"],"defaultMeasureIds":["15042"],"meassureIds":["15042"],"size":"S","records":"12","sortBasis":"Value","chartType":"Split-Bubble","viewByLevel":"single","others":"N","othersL":"N","row":"1","col":"1","size_x":"15","size_y":"9","id":"divchart1","KPIName":"Total Orders","currencySymbol":{"15042":""},"comboData":false,"isKPI":false}}'); 
var data = JSON.parse('[{"Category":"Footwear","Store":"Bengaluru","Total Orders":"18"},{"Category":"Clothing","Store":"Chennai","Total Orders":"17"},{"Category":"Footwear","Store":"Mumbai","Total Orders":"17"},{"Category":"Clothing","Store":"Delhi","Total Orders":"16"},{"Category":"Clothing","Store":"Noida","Total Orders":"16"},{"Category":"Footwear","Store":"Chennai","Total Orders":"16"},{"Category":"Footwear","Store":"Delhi","Total Orders":"16"},{"Category":"Footwear","Store":"Gurgaon","Total Orders":"16"},{"Category":"Clothing","Store":"Kolkata","Total Orders":"15"},{"Category":"Computer Hardware","Store":"Delhi","Total Orders":"15"},{"Category":"Clothing","Store":"Bengaluru","Total Orders":"14"},{"Category":"Computer Hardware","Store":"Mumbai","Total Orders":"13"},{"Category":"Computer Hardware","Store":"Bengaluru","Total Orders":"12"},{"Category":"Computer Hardware","Store":"Pune","Total Orders":"12"},{"Category":"Computer Hardware","Store":"Hyderabad","Total Orders":"11"},{"Category":"Cameras","Store":"Bengaluru","Total Orders":"8"},{"Category":"Cameras","Store":"Delhi","Total Orders":"8"},{"Category":"Cameras","Store":"Gurgaon","Total Orders":"8"},{"Category":"Cameras","Store":"Mumbai","Total Orders":"8"},{"Category":"Cameras","Store":"Noida","Total Orders":"8"},{"Category":"Watches","Store":"Secunderabad","Total Orders":"7"},{"Category":"Watches","Store":"Bengaluru","Total Orders":"6"},{"Category":"Watches","Store":"Delhi","Total Orders":"6"},{"Category":"Watches","Store":"Gurgaon","Total Orders":"6"},{"Category":"Watches","Store":"Hyderabad","Total Orders":"6"},{"Category":"Mobile Phones","Store":"Delhi","Total Orders":"5"},{"Category":"Mobile Phones","Store":"Hyderabad","Total Orders":"5"},{"Category":"Mobile Phones","Store":"Mumbai","Total Orders":"4"},{"Category":"Mobile Phones","Store":"Aurangabad","Total Orders":"3"},{"Category":"Mobile Phones","Store":"Bengaluru","Total Orders":"3"}]'); 
var div = 'chart1'; 
var columns = ['Category']; 
var measureArray = ['Total Orders']; 
var divWidth = 500; 
var divHeight = 300; 
var drillShade = 'red'; 
var color = ['blue', 'blue', 'blue', 'blue', 'blue', 'blue', 'blue', 'blue', 'blue', 'blue', 'blue', 'blue']; 
var colIds; 
var colName; 
var dashletid; 
var count = 0; 
var colorCount = 0 
var columnsVar = columns; 
var fromoneview = 'false' 
var colorGroup = {}; 
var div1 = '' 
if (fromoneview != 'null' && fromoneview == 'true') { 

    dashletid = div; 
    div = div1 
    colIds = chartData[div1]["viewIds"]; 
    colName = chartData[div]["viewBys"]; 
} else { 
    colIds = chartData[div]["viewIds"]; 
    colName = chartData[div]["viewBys"]; 

var BubbleChart, root, 
    __bind = function(fn, me) { 
    return function() { 
     return fn.apply(me, arguments); 


var margin = { 
    top: 10, 
    right: 12, 
    bottom: 30, 
    left: 70 
var legendColorMap = {}; 

BubbleChart = (function() { 
    var chartMap = {}; 

    function BubbleChart(data) { 
    this.hide_details = __bind(this.hide_details, this); 

    this.show_details = __bind(this.show_details, this); 

    this.hide_years = __bind(this.hide_years, this); 

    this.display_years = __bind(this.display_years, this); 

    this.move_towards_year = __bind(this.move_towards_year, this); 

    this.display_by_year = __bind(this.display_by_year, this); 

    this.move_towards_center = __bind(this.move_towards_center, this); 

    this.display_group_all = __bind(this.display_group_all, this); 

    this.start = __bind(this.start, this); 
    this.create_vis = __bind(this.create_vis, this); 
    this.create_nodes = __bind(this.create_nodes, this); 
    var max_amount; 
    this.data = data; 
    this.width = divWidth; 
    this.height = divHeight - 50; 
    this.center = { 
     x: this.width/2, 
     y: this.height/2.4 
    this.layout_gravity = -0.01; 
    this.damper = 0.1; 
    this.vis = null; 
    this.nodes = []; 
    this.force = null; 
    this.circles = null; 
    this.fill_color = ['blue', 'blue', 'blue', 'blue', 'blue', 'blue', 'blue', 'blue', 'blue', 'blue', 'blue', 'blue']; 
    max_amount = d3.max(this.data, function(d) { 
     return parseFloat(d[measureArray[0]]); 
    var radScale = 38; 
    this.radius_scale = d3.scale.pow().exponent(0.5).domain([0, max_amount]).range(["2", radScale]); 
    var legends = []; 

    BubbleChart.prototype.create_nodes = function() { 
    var _this = this; 
    this.data.forEach(function(d, i) { 
     if (i < 500) { 
     var node; 
     node = { 
      id: d[measureArray[0]], 
      radius: _this.radius_scale(parseFloat(d[measureArray[0]])), 
      value: d[measureArray[0]], 
      measure: measureArray[0].replace("_", "-", "gi"), 
      name: d[columns[0]], 
      group: d[columns[0]], 
      year: d[columns[1]], 
      x: Math.random(), 
      y: Math.random() 
     return _this.nodes.push(node); 
    return this.nodes.sort(function(a, b) { 
     return b.value - a.value; 
    data.forEach(function(d, i) { 
    if (legends.indexOf(d[columns[0]]) === -1) 
    BubbleChart.prototype.create_vis = function() { 
    var that, 
     _this = this; 

    this.vis = d3.select("body") 
     .attr("viewBox", "0 -20 " + (divWidth) + " " + (divHeight + margin.top + margin.bottom) + " ") 
     .attr("id", "svg_vis"); 

    var gradient = this.vis.append("svg:defs").selectAll("radialGradient").data(this.data).enter() 
     .attr("id", function(d) { 
     return "gradient" + (d[columns[0]]).replace(/[^a-zA-Z0-9]/g, '', 'gi'); 
     .attr("fx", "5%") 
     .attr("fy", "5%") 
     .attr("r", "50%") 
     .attr("spreadMethod", "pad"); 

     .attr("offset", "0%") 
     .attr("stop-color", "rgb(240,240,240)") 
     .attr("stop-opacity", 1); 

     .attr("offset", "80%") 
     .attr("stop-opacity", 1); 

    var gradient = this.vis.append("svg:defs").selectAll("radialGradient").data(this.data).enter() 
     .attr("id", function(d) { 
     return "gradientDrill"; 
     .attr("fx", "5%") 
     .attr("fy", "5%") 
     .attr("r", "50%") 
     .attr("spreadMethod", "pad"); 

     .attr("offset", "0%") 
     .attr("stop-color", "rgb(240,240,240)") 
     .attr("stop-opacity", 1); 

     .attr("offset", "80%") 
     .attr("stop-color", drillShade) 
     .attr("stop-opacity", 1); 
    var node = this.vis.append("g") 

    this.circles = this.vis.selectAll("g.node") 

    that = this; 



    var circles1 = this.circles.enter() 
     .append("g").attr("class", "node"); 

     .attr("fill", "blue") 
     .attr("stroke-width", 2) 
     //   .attr("stroke", function(d) { 
     //    return "url(#gradient" + (d.name).replace(/[^a-zA-Z0-9]/g, '', 'gi') + ")"; 
     //   }) 
     .attr("id", function(d) { 
     return d.name + ":" + d.id + "_" + d.measure; 
     .attr("opacity", ".7") 
     .attr("index_value", function(d, i) { 
     return "index-" + d.name.replace(/[^a-zA-Z0-9]/g, '', 'gi'); 
     .attr("class", function(d, i) { 
     return "bars-Bubble-index-" + d.name.replace(/[^a-zA-Z0-9]/g, '', 'gi') + div; 
     .text(function(d) { 
     return d.store; 

     .attr("text-anchor", "middle") 
     .attr("class", "gFontFamily") 
     .style("font-size", '11px') 
     .text(function(d, i) { 
     return "aaa"; 

    return this.circles.selectAll("circle").transition().duration(500) 
     .attr("r", function(d) { 
     return d.radius; 


    BubbleChart.prototype.charge = function(d) { 
    return -Math.pow(d.radius, 2.0)/8; 

    BubbleChart.prototype.start = function() { 
    return this.force = d3.layout.force() 
     .size([this.width * .5, this.height * .5]); 

    BubbleChart.prototype.display_group_all = function() { 
    var _this = this; 
    this.force.gravity(this.layout_gravity).charge(this.charge).friction(0.9).on("tick", function(e) { 
     return _this.circles.each(_this.move_towards_center(e.alpha)) 
     .attr("transform", function(d) { 
      return "translate(" + (d.x - 70) + "," + (d.y + 10) + ")"; 
    return this.hide_years(); 

    BubbleChart.prototype.move_towards_center = function(alpha) { 
    var _this = this; 
    return function(d) { 
     d.x = d.x + (_this.center.x - d.x) * (_this.damper + 0.02) * alpha; 
     return d.y = d.y + (_this.center.y - d.y) * (_this.damper + 0.02) * alpha; 

    BubbleChart.prototype.display_by_year = function() { 
    var _this = this; 
    this.force.gravity(this.layout_gravity).charge(this.charge).friction(0.9).on("tick", function(e) { 
     return _this.circles.each(_this.move_towards_year(e.alpha)) 
     .attr("cx", function(d) { 
      return d.x - 70; 
     .attr("cy", function(d) { 
      return d.y + 10; 
    return this.hide_years(); 

    BubbleChart.prototype.move_towards_year = function(alpha) { 
    var _this = this; 
    return function(d, i) { 
     var target; 
     target = _this.year_centers[d.year]; 
     if (typeof target !== "undefined") { 
     d.x = d.x + (target.x - d.x) * (_this.damper + 0.02) * alpha * 1.1; 
     return d.y = d.y + (target.y - d.y) * (_this.damper + 0.02) * alpha * 1.1; 

    BubbleChart.prototype.display_years = function() { 
    var years, years_data, 
     _this = this; 
    var allValuesArray = []; 
    var group_labels = []; 
    var yea = {}; 
    var mul = 1; 
    var years_x = {}; 
    var position = 4; 
    var x_position = 160; 
    data.forEach(function(d) { 
     if (allValuesArray.indexOf(d[columns[1]]) === -1) 
    var hgt = _this.height; 
    var wid = _this.width; 
    var total_slots = allValuesArray.length; 
    var x_position = 160; 
    allValuesArray.forEach(function(d, i) { 
     if (i < 3) { 
     if (position === 0) { 
      position = 2; 
      mul = 1.5; 
     x_position = wid/position; 
     group_labels[i] = mul * x_position; 
     years_x[allValuesArray[i]] = group_labels[i]; 
     position = position - 2; 


    years_data = d3.keys(years_x); 
    years = this.vis.selectAll(".years").data(years_data); 
    return years.enter().append("text").attr("class", "years").attr("x", function(d) { 
     return years_x[d]; 
    }).attr("y", 40).attr("text-anchor", "middle").text(function(d) { 
     return d; 

    BubbleChart.prototype.hide_years = function() { 
    var years; 
    return years = this.vis.selectAll(".years").remove(); 

    BubbleChart.prototype.show_details = function(data, i, element) { 
    var content; 
    if (columns == columns[0]) { 
     content = "<span class=\"name\">" + columns[0] + "</span><span class=\"value\"> " + data.name + "</span><br/>"; 
    } else { 
     content = "<span class=\"name\">" + columns[0] + "</span><b>:</b><span class=\"value\"> " + data.name + "</span><br/>"; 
     content += "<span class=\"name\">" + columns[1] + "</span><b>:</b><span class=\"value\"> " + data.year + "</span><br/>"; 
    content += "<span class=\"name\">" + measureArray[0] + "</span><b>:</b><span class=\"value\"> " + data.value + "</span><br/>"; 
    return tooltip.showTooltip(content, d3.event); 

    BubbleChart.prototype.hide_details = function(data, i, element) { 
    return tooltip.hideTooltip(); 

    return BubbleChart; 

root = typeof exports !== "undefined" && exports !== null ? exports : this; 
var chart, render_vis, 
    _this = this; 
chart = null; 
render_vis = function(csv) { 
    chart = new BubbleChart(data); 
    return root.display_all(); 
root.display_all = function() { 
    return chart.display_group_all(); 
root.display_year = function(splitby1) { 
    splitby = splitby1; 
    return chart.display_by_year(splitby1); 
root.toggle_view = function(view_type, splitby) { 
    if (view_type === 'year') { 
    return root.display_year(splitby); 
    } else { 
    return root.display_all(); 
<script src="https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/d3/3.4.11/d3.min.js"></script>