2015-09-11 28 views

Gibbs örnekleme kullanarak Bayes çıkarımı için bir paket yazıyorum. Bu yöntemler genellikle hesaplama açısından pahalı olduğundan, kodumun performansı konusunda çok endişeliyim. Aslında, Python'dan Julia'ya taşınmamın nedeni hıztı.Julia bellek ayırma ve kod kapsamı sonuçları nasıl analiz edilir

Dirichlet Process Model uygulandıktan sonra Coverage.jl ve --track-allocation=user komut satırı seçeneğini kullanarak kodu analiz ettim. Örneğin basit bir atama hangi sadece iki kez çalışır Anlamıyorum neden görünmüyor ne

 - #= 
     - DPM 
     - Dirichlet Process Mixture Models 
     - 25/08/2015 
     - Adham Beyki, [email protected] 
     - =# 
     - type DPM{T} 
     - bayesian_component::T 
     - K::Int64 
     - aa::Float64 
     - a1::Float64 
     - a2::Float64 
     - K_hist::Vector{Int64} 
     - K_zz_dict::Dict{Int64, Vector{Int64}} 
     - DPM{T}(c::T, K::Int64, aa::Float64, a1::Float64, a2::Float64) = new(c, K, aa, a1, a2, 
     -   Int64[], (Int64 => Vector{Int64})[]) 
     - end 
     0 DPM{T}(c::T, K::Int64, aa::Real, a1::Real, a2::Real) = DPM{typeof(c)}(c, K, convert(Float64, aa), 
     -   convert(Float64, a1), convert(Float64, a2)) 
     - function Base.show(io::IO, dpm::DPM) 
     - println(io, "Dirichlet Mixture Model with $(dpm.K) $(typeof(dpm.bayesian_component)) components") 
     - end 
     - function initialize_gibbs_sampler!(dpm::DPM, zz::Vector{Int64}) 
     - # populates the cluster labels randomly 
     0 zz[:] = rand(1:dpm.K, length(zz)) 
     - end 
     - function DPM_sample_hyperparam(aa::Float64, a1::Float64, a2::Float64, K::Int64, NN::Int64, iters::Int64) 
     - # resampling concentration parameter based on Escobar and West 1995 
     0 for n = 1:iters 
     0  eta = rand(Distributions.Beta(aa+1, NN)) 
     0  rr = (a1+K-1)/(NN*(a2-log(NN))) 
     0  pi_eta = rr/(1+rr) 
     0  if rand() < pi_eta 
     0   aa = rand(Distributions.Gamma(a1+K, 1/(a2-log(eta)))) 
     -  else 
     0   aa = rand(Distributions.Gamma(a1+K-1, 1/(a2-log(eta)))) 
     -  end 
     - end 
     0 aa 
     - end 
     - function DPM_sample_pp{T1, T2}(
     -  bayesian_components::Vector{T1}, 
     -  xx::T2, 
     -  nn::Vector{Float64}, 
     -  pp::Vector{Float64}, 
     -  aa::Float64) 
     0 K = length(nn) 
     0 @inbounds for kk = 1:K 
     0  pp[kk] = log(nn[kk]) + logpredictive(bayesian_components[kk], xx) 
     - end 
     0 pp[K+1] = log(aa) + logpredictive(bayesian_components[K+1], xx) 
     0 normalize_pp!(pp, K+1) 
     0 return sample(pp[1:K+1]) 
     - end 
     - function collapsed_gibbs_sampler!{T1, T2}(
     -  dpm::DPM{T1}, 
     -  xx::Vector{T2}, 
     -  zz::Vector{Int64}, 
     -  n_burnins::Int64, n_lags::Int64, n_samples::Int64, n_internals::Int64; max_clusters::Int64=100) 
    191688 NN = length(xx)           # number of data points 
     96 nn = zeros(Float64, dpm.K)      # count array 
     0 n_iterations = n_burnins + (n_samples)*(n_lags+1) 
     384 bayesian_components = [deepcopy(dpm.bayesian_component) for k = 1:dpm.K+1] 
    2864 dpm.K_hist = zeros(Int64, n_iterations) 
     176 pp = zeros(Float64, max_clusters) 
     48 tic() 
     0 for ii = 1:NN 
     0  kk = zz[ii] 
     0  additem(bayesian_components[kk], xx[ii]) 
     0  nn[kk] += 1 
     - end 
     0 dpm.K_hist[1] = dpm.K 
     0 elapsed_time = toq() 
     0 for iteration = 1:n_iterations 
    5329296  println("iteration: $iteration, KK: $(dpm.K), KK mode: $(indmax(hist(dpm.K_hist, 
     -      0.5:maximum(dpm.K_hist)+0.5)[2])), elapsed time: $elapsed_time") 
    16800  tic() 
28000000  @inbounds for ii = 1:NN 
     0   kk = zz[ii] 
     0   nn[kk] -= 1 
     0   delitem(bayesian_components[kk], xx[ii]) 
     -   # remove the cluster if empty 
     0   if nn[kk] == 0 
    161880    println("\tcomponent $kk has become inactive") 
     0    splice!(nn, kk) 
     0    splice!(bayesian_components, kk) 
     0    dpm.K -= 1 
     -    # shifting the labels one cluster back 
    69032    idx = find(x -> x>kk, zz) 
    42944    zz[idx] -= 1 
     -   end 
     0   kk = DPM_sample_pp(bayesian_components, xx[ii], nn, pp, dpm.aa) 
     0   if kk == dpm.K+1 
    158976    println("\tcomponent $kk activated.") 
    14144    push!(bayesian_components, deepcopy(dpm.bayesian_component)) 
    4872    push!(nn, 0) 
     0    dpm.K += 1 
     -   end 
     0   zz[ii] = kk 
     0   nn[kk] += 1 
     0   additem(bayesian_components[kk], xx[ii]) 
     -  end 
     0  dpm.aa = DPM_sample_hyperparam(dpm.aa, dpm.a1, dpm.a2, dpm.K, NN, n_internals) 
     0  dpm.K_hist[iteration] = dpm.K 
14140000  dpm.K_zz_dict[dpm.K] = deepcopy(zz) 
     0  elapsed_time = toq() 
     - end 
     - end 
     - function truncated_gibbs_sampler{T1, T2}(dpm::DPM{T1}, xx::Vector{T2}, zz::Vector{Int64}, 
     - n_burnins::Int64, n_lags::Int64, n_samples::Int64, n_internals::Int64, K_truncation::Int64) 
     - NN = length(xx)            # number of data points 
     - nn = zeros(Int64, K_truncation)    # count array 
     - bayesian_components = [deepcopy(dpm.bayesian_component) for k = 1:K_truncation] 
     - n_iterations = n_burnins + (n_samples)*(n_lags+1) 
     - dpm.K_hist = zeros(Int64, n_iterations) 
     - states = (ASCIIString => Int64)[] 
     - n_states = 0 
     - tic() 
     - for ii = 1:NN 
     -  kk = zz[ii] 
     -  additem(bayesian_components[kk], xx[ii]) 
     -  nn[kk] += 1 
     - end 
     - dpm.K_hist[1] = dpm.K 
     - # constructing the sticks 
     - beta_VV = rand(Distributions.Beta(1.0, dpm.aa), K_truncation) 
     - beta_VV[end] = 1.0 
     - π = ones(Float64, K_truncation) 
     - π[2:end] = 1 - beta_VV[1:K_truncation-1] 
     - π = log(beta_VV) + log(cumprod(π)) 
     - elapsed_time = toq() 
     - for iteration = 1:n_iterations 
     -  println("iteration: $iteration, # active components: $(length(findn(nn)[1])), mode: $(indmax(hist(dpm.K_hist, 
     -      0.5:maximum(dpm.K_hist)+0.5)[2])), elapsed time: $elapsed_time \n", nn) 
     -  tic() 
     -  for ii = 1:NN 
     -   kk = zz[ii] 
     -   nn[kk] -= 1 
     -   delitem(bayesian_components[kk], xx[ii]) 
     -   # resampling label 
     -   pp = zeros(Float64, K_truncation) 
     -   for kk = 1:K_truncation 
     -    pp[kk] = π[kk] + logpredictive(bayesian_components[kk], xx[ii]) 
     -   end 
     -   pp = exp(pp - maximum(pp)) 
     -   pp /= sum(pp) 
     -   # sample from pp 
     -   kk = sampleindex(pp) 
     -   zz[ii] = kk 
     -   nn[kk] += 1 
     -   additem(bayesian_components[kk], xx[ii]) 
     -   for kk = 1:K_truncation-1 
     -    gamma1 = 1 + nn[kk] 
     -    gamma2 = dpm.aa + sum(nn[kk+1:end]) 
     -    beta_VV[kk] = rand(Distributions.Beta(gamma1, gamma2)) 
     -   end 
     -   beta_VV[end] = 1.0 
     -   π = ones(Float64, K_truncation) 
     -   π[2:end] = 1 - beta_VV[1:K_truncation-1] 
     -   π = log(beta_VV) + log(cumprod(π)) 
     -   # resampling concentration parameter based on Escobar and West 1995 
     -   for internal_iters = 1:n_internals 
     -     eta = rand(Distributions.Beta(dpm.aa+1, NN)) 
     -    rr = (dpm.a1+dpm.K-1)/(NN*(dpm.a2-log(NN))) 
     -    pi_eta = rr/(1+rr) 
     -    if rand() < pi_eta 
     -     dpm.aa = rand(Distributions.Gamma(dpm.a1+dpm.K, 1/(dpm.a2-log(eta)))) 
     -    else 
     -     dpm.aa = rand(Distributions.Gamma(dpm.a1+dpm.K-1, 1/(dpm.a2-log(eta)))) 
     -    end 
     -   end 
     -  end 
     -  nn_string = nn2string(nn) 
     -  if !haskey(states, nn_string) 
     -   n_states += 1 
     -   states[nn_string] = n_states 
     -  end 
     -  dpm.K_hist[iteration] = states[nn_string] 
     -  dpm.K_zz_dict[states[nn_string]] = deepcopy(zz) 
     -  elapsed_time = toq() 
     - end 
     - return states 
     - end 
     - function posterior{T1, T2}(dpm::DPM{T1}, xx::Vector{T2}, K::Int64, K_truncation::Int64=0) 
     0 n_components = 0 
     0 if K_truncation == 0 
     0  n_components = K 
     - else 
     0  n_components = K_truncation 
     - end 
     0 bayesian_components = [deepcopy(dpm.bayesian_component) for kk=1:n_components] 
     0 zz = dpm.K_zz_dict[K] 
     0 NN = length(xx) 
     0 nn = zeros(Int64, n_components) 
     0 for ii = 1:NN 
     0  kk = zz[ii] 
     0  additem(bayesian_components[kk], xx[ii]) 
     0  nn[kk] += 1 
     - end 
     0 return([posterior(bayesian_components[kk]) for kk=1:n_components], nn) 
     - end 


İşte kapsama

 - #= 
     - DPM 
     - Dirichlet Process Mixture Models 
     - 25/08/2015 
     - Adham Beyki, [email protected] 
     - =# 
     - type DPM{T} 
     - bayesian_component::T 
     - K::Int64 
     - aa::Float64 
     - a1::Float64 
     - a2::Float64 
     - K_hist::Vector{Int64} 
     - K_zz_dict::Dict{Int64, Vector{Int64}} 
     - DPM{T}(c::T, K::Int64, aa::Float64, a1::Float64, a2::Float64) = new(c, K, aa, a1, a2, 
     -   Int64[], (Int64 => Vector{Int64})[]) 
     - end 
     1 DPM{T}(c::T, K::Int64, aa::Real, a1::Real, a2::Real) = DPM{typeof(c)}(c, K, convert(Float64, aa), 
     -   convert(Float64, a1), convert(Float64, a2)) 
     - function Base.show(io::IO, dpm::DPM) 
     - println(io, "Dirichlet Mixture Model with $(dpm.K) $(typeof(dpm.bayesian_component)) components") 
     - end 
     - function initialize_gibbs_sampler!(dpm::DPM, zz::Vector{Int64}) 
     - # populates the cluster labels randomly 
     1 zz[:] = rand(1:dpm.K, length(zz)) 
     - end 
     - function DPM_sample_hyperparam(aa::Float64, a1::Float64, a2::Float64, K::Int64, NN::Int64, iters::Int64) 
     - # resampling concentration parameter based on Escobar and West 1995 
     352 for n = 1:iters 
    3504  eta = rand(Distributions.Beta(aa+1, NN)) 
    3504  rr = (a1+K-1)/(NN*(a2-log(NN))) 
    3504  pi_eta = rr/(1+rr) 
    3504  if rand() < pi_eta 
     0   aa = rand(Distributions.Gamma(a1+K, 1/(a2-log(eta)))) 
     -  else 
    3504   aa = rand(Distributions.Gamma(a1+K-1, 1/(a2-log(eta)))) 
     -  end 
     - end 
     352 aa 
     - end 
     - function DPM_sample_pp{T1, T2}(
     -  bayesian_components::Vector{T1}, 
     -  xx::T2, 
     -  nn::Vector{Float64}, 
     -  pp::Vector{Float64}, 
     -  aa::Float64) 
    1760000 K = length(nn) 
    1760000 @inbounds for kk = 1:K 
11384379  pp[kk] = log(nn[kk]) + logpredictive(bayesian_components[kk], xx) 
     - end 
    1760000 pp[K+1] = log(aa) + logpredictive(bayesian_components[K+1], xx) 
    1760000 normalize_pp!(pp, K+1) 
    1760000 return sample(pp[1:K+1]) 
     - end 
     - function collapsed_gibbs_sampler!{T1, T2}(
     -  dpm::DPM{T1}, 
     -  xx::Vector{T2}, 
     -  zz::Vector{Int64}, 
     -  n_burnins::Int64, n_lags::Int64, n_samples::Int64, n_internals::Int64; max_clusters::Int64=100) 
     2 NN = length(xx)           # number of data points 
     2 nn = zeros(Float64, dpm.K)      # count array 
     2 n_iterations = n_burnins + (n_samples)*(n_lags+1) 
     2 bayesian_components = [deepcopy(dpm.bayesian_component) for k = 1:dpm.K+1] 
     2 dpm.K_hist = zeros(Int64, n_iterations) 
     2 pp = zeros(Float64, max_clusters) 
     2 tic() 
     2 for ii = 1:NN 
    10000  kk = zz[ii] 
    10000  additem(bayesian_components[kk], xx[ii]) 
    10000  nn[kk] += 1 
     - end 
     2 dpm.K_hist[1] = dpm.K 
     2 elapsed_time = toq() 
     2 for iteration = 1:n_iterations 
     352  println("iteration: $iteration, KK: $(dpm.K), KK mode: $(indmax(hist(dpm.K_hist, 
     -      0.5:maximum(dpm.K_hist)+0.5)[2])), elapsed time: $elapsed_time") 
     352  tic() 
     352  @inbounds for ii = 1:NN 
    1760000   kk = zz[ii] 
    1760000   nn[kk] -= 1 
    1760000   delitem(bayesian_components[kk], xx[ii]) 
     -   # remove the cluster if empty 
    1760000   if nn[kk] == 0 
     166    println("\tcomponent $kk has become inactive") 
     166    splice!(nn, kk) 
     166    splice!(bayesian_components, kk) 
     166    dpm.K -= 1 
     -    # shifting the labels one cluster back 
    830166    idx = find(x -> x>kk, zz) 
     166    zz[idx] -= 1 
     -   end 
    1760000   kk = DPM_sample_pp(bayesian_components, xx[ii], nn, pp, dpm.aa) 
    1760000   if kk == dpm.K+1 
     171    println("\tcomponent $kk activated.") 
     171    push!(bayesian_components, deepcopy(dpm.bayesian_component)) 
     171    push!(nn, 0) 
     171    dpm.K += 1 
     -   end 
    1760000   zz[ii] = kk 
    1760000   nn[kk] += 1 
    1760000   additem(bayesian_components[kk], xx[ii]) 
     -  end 
     352  dpm.aa = DPM_sample_hyperparam(dpm.aa, dpm.a1, dpm.a2, dpm.K, NN, n_internals) 
     352  dpm.K_hist[iteration] = dpm.K 
     352  dpm.K_zz_dict[dpm.K] = deepcopy(zz) 
     352  elapsed_time = toq() 
     - end 
     - end 
     - function truncated_gibbs_sampler{T1, T2}(dpm::DPM{T1}, xx::Vector{T2}, zz::Vector{Int64}, 
     - n_burnins::Int64, n_lags::Int64, n_samples::Int64, n_internals::Int64, K_truncation::Int64) 
     - NN = length(xx)            # number of data points 
     - nn = zeros(Int64, K_truncation)    # count array 
     - bayesian_components = [deepcopy(dpm.bayesian_component) for k = 1:K_truncation] 
     - n_iterations = n_burnins + (n_samples)*(n_lags+1) 
     - dpm.K_hist = zeros(Int64, n_iterations) 
     - states = (ASCIIString => Int64)[] 
     - n_states = 0 
     - tic() 
     - for ii = 1:NN 
     -  kk = zz[ii] 
     -  additem(bayesian_components[kk], xx[ii]) 
     -  nn[kk] += 1 
     - end 
     - dpm.K_hist[1] = dpm.K 
     - # constructing the sticks 
     - beta_VV = rand(Distributions.Beta(1.0, dpm.aa), K_truncation) 
     - beta_VV[end] = 1.0 
     - π = ones(Float64, K_truncation) 
     - π[2:end] = 1 - beta_VV[1:K_truncation-1] 
     - π = log(beta_VV) + log(cumprod(π)) 
     - elapsed_time = toq() 
     - for iteration = 1:n_iterations 
     -  println("iteration: $iteration, # active components: $(length(findn(nn)[1])), mode: $(indmax(hist(dpm.K_hist, 
     -      0.5:maximum(dpm.K_hist)+0.5)[2])), elapsed time: $elapsed_time \n", nn) 
     -  tic() 
     -  for ii = 1:NN 
     -   kk = zz[ii] 
     -   nn[kk] -= 1 
     -   delitem(bayesian_components[kk], xx[ii]) 
     -   # resampling label 
     -   pp = zeros(Float64, K_truncation) 
     -   for kk = 1:K_truncation 
     -    pp[kk] = π[kk] + logpredictive(bayesian_components[kk], xx[ii]) 
     -   end 
     -   pp = exp(pp - maximum(pp)) 
     -   pp /= sum(pp) 
     -   # sample from pp 
     -   kk = sampleindex(pp) 
     -   zz[ii] = kk 
     -   nn[kk] += 1 
     -   additem(bayesian_components[kk], xx[ii]) 
     -   for kk = 1:K_truncation-1 
     -    gamma1 = 1 + nn[kk] 
     -    gamma2 = dpm.aa + sum(nn[kk+1:end]) 
     -    beta_VV[kk] = rand(Distributions.Beta(gamma1, gamma2)) 
     -   end 
     -   beta_VV[end] = 1.0 
     -   π = ones(Float64, K_truncation) 
     -   π[2:end] = 1 - beta_VV[1:K_truncation-1] 
     -   π = log(beta_VV) + log(cumprod(π)) 
     -   # resampling concentration parameter based on Escobar and West 1995 
     -   for internal_iters = 1:n_internals 
     -     eta = rand(Distributions.Beta(dpm.aa+1, NN)) 
     -    rr = (dpm.a1+dpm.K-1)/(NN*(dpm.a2-log(NN))) 
     -    pi_eta = rr/(1+rr) 
     -    if rand() < pi_eta 
     -     dpm.aa = rand(Distributions.Gamma(dpm.a1+dpm.K, 1/(dpm.a2-log(eta)))) 
     -    else 
     -     dpm.aa = rand(Distributions.Gamma(dpm.a1+dpm.K-1, 1/(dpm.a2-log(eta)))) 
     -    end 
     -   end 
     -  end 
     -  nn_string = nn2string(nn) 
     -  if !haskey(states, nn_string) 
     -   n_states += 1 
     -   states[nn_string] = n_states 
     -  end 
     -  dpm.K_hist[iteration] = states[nn_string] 
     -  dpm.K_zz_dict[states[nn_string]] = deepcopy(zz) 
     -  elapsed_time = toq() 
     - end 
     - return states 
     - end 
     - function posterior{T1, T2}(dpm::DPM{T1}, xx::Vector{T2}, K::Int64, K_truncation::Int64=0) 
     2 n_components = 0 
     1 if K_truncation == 0 
     1  n_components = K 
     - else 
     0  n_components = K_truncation 
     - end 
     1 bayesian_components = [deepcopy(dpm.bayesian_component) for kk=1:n_components] 
     1 zz = dpm.K_zz_dict[K] 
     1 NN = length(xx) 
     1 nn = zeros(Int64, n_components) 
     1 for ii = 1:NN 
    5000  kk = zz[ii] 
    5000  additem(bayesian_components[kk], xx[ii]) 
    5000  nn[kk] += 1 
     - end 
     1 return([posterior(bayesian_components[kk]) for kk=1:n_components], nn) 
     - end 

sonuçları Ve burada bellek ayırma olduğunu 191688 birimi ayırır (birimimin Bayt olduğunu varsayardım, emin değilim).


2 NN = length(xx)     # number of data points 


191688 NN = length(xx)    # number of data points 

yoksa bu kötüdür:


352  @inbounds for ii = 1:NN 


28000000  @inbounds for ii = 1:NN 

NN'nin değeri nedir? Bellek ayırmadan önce yavaş parçaları tanımlamak için profilleyiciyi kullanmanızı öneriyorum. – IainDunning


Profilleyiciyi kullandım ve NN = uzunluk (xx) bir darboğaz değil. 'xx', :: Vector {Float64} 'dır, dolayısıyla NN, bu deneyde 5000'e eşit bir tam sayıdır. – Adham



Yanıt kısaca in the docs, "Kullanıcı ayarı altında, doğrudan REPL'den çağrılan herhangi bir işlevin ilk satırı REPL kodunun kendisinde gerçekleşen olaylar nedeniyle ayırma gösterecektir." Ayrıca muhtemelen ilgili: "Daha da önemlisi, JIT derleme ayrıca, Julia'nın derleyicisinin çoğu Julia'ya yazıldığından (ve derleme genellikle bellek ayırma gerektirdiğinden), ayırma sayılarını da ekler. Önerilen yordam, istediğiniz tüm komutları çalıştırarak derlemeyi zorlamaktır. analiz edin ve tüm tahsis sayaçlarını sıfırlamak için Profile.clear_malloc_data() öğesini çağırın.

Sonuç: İlk satır yine tahsisi raporlama başlatmak için ilk satırı, çünkü başka bir yerde meydana tahsisleri sorumlu tutulduğunu olduğunu.