2017-03-28 38 views

Üniversitede kimya eğitimi alıyorum ve kimyasal formül veya diğer işlemleri dengeleme gibi Perl6 veya Perl'deki ders kitabı örneklerini yazmaya çalışıyorum!Perl 6 özel işleçlerini kullanma

Ardından, sorunun perl6 özel işleci ile ilgili olduğunu gördüm. Özelliği kullandığımda kodumu ve kendimi tekrarladığımı hissediyorum. Okumak ve yazmak zor. Bunu nasıl basitleştirebilirim?

#!/usr/bin/env perl6 
use v6; 
#basic SI(International System of Units) type 

role MetricPrefix { 
    method baseOn (Str $base , Numeric $input) { 
     given $base { 
      when 'pico' { return $input * 10**-12 } 
      when 'namo' { return $input * 10**-9 } 
      when 'micro' { return $input * 10**-6} 
      when 'milli' { return $input * 10**-3 } 
      when 'centi' { return $input * 10**-2 } 
      when 'hecto' { return $input * 10**2 } 
      when 'kilo' { return $input * 10**3 } 
      when 'mega' { return $input * 10**6 } 
      when 'giga' { return $input * 10**9 } 
      when 'tera' { return $input * 10**12 } 
      default { fail "you must input a metric prefix which allow pico to tera" } 

class Mass does MetricPrefix { 
    #basic Mass is g is different form si statda 
    has $.g; 

    submethod BUILD (:$!g ) { 


class Length does MetricPrefix { 
    has $.Length ; 

    submethod BUILD (:$!Length ) { 

multi postfix:<(kg)>($input) { 
    return Mass.new(g => Mass.baseOn("kilo",$input)) or fail "you Must input a number"; 

multi postfix:<(g)>($input) { 
    return Mass.new(g => $input) or fail "you Must input a number"; 

multi infix:<+>(Mass $inputOne , Mass $inputTwo) is assoc<right> { 
    return Mass.new(g => $inputOne.g + $inputTwo.g) or fail "error in there "; 

multi infix:<->(Mass $inputOne , Mass $inputTwo) is assoc<right> { 
    return Mass.new(g => $inputOne.g - $inputTwo.g) or fail "error in there "; 

multi infix:<*>(Mass $inputOne , Mass $inputTwo) is assoc<right> is tighter(&infix:<+>) is tighter(&infix:<->) is tighter(&infix:</>) { 
    return Mass.new(g => $inputOne.g * $inputTwo.g) or fail "error in there "; 

multi infix:</>(Mass $inputOne , Mass $inputTwo) is assoc<right> is tighter(&infix:<+>) is tighter(&infix:<->) { 
    return Mass.new(g => $inputOne.g/$inputTwo.g) or fail "error in there "; 

#the meterLeng 
multi postfix:<(km)>($input) { 
    return Length.new(Length => Length.baseOn("kilo",$input)) or fail "you Must input a number"; 

multi postfix:<(m)>($input) { 
    return Length.new(Length => $input) or fail "you Must input a number"; 

multi infix:<+>(Length $inputOne , Length $inputTwo) is assoc<right> { 
    return Length.new(Length => $inputOne.Length + $inputTwo.Length) or fail "error in there "; 

multi infix:<->(Length $inputOne , Length $inputTwo) is assoc<right> { 
    return Length.new(Length => $inputOne.Length - $inputTwo.Length) or fail "error in there "; 

multi infix:<*>(Length $inputOne , Length $inputTwo) is assoc<right> is tighter(&infix:<+>) is tighter(&infix:<->) is tighter(&infix:</>) { 
    return Length.new(Length => $inputOne.Length * $inputTwo.Length) or fail "error in there "; 

multi infix:</>(Length $inputOne , Length $inputTwo) is assoc<right> is tighter(&infix:<+>) is tighter(&infix:<->) { 
    return Length.new(Length => $inputOne.Length/$inputTwo.Length) or fail "error in there "; 

#just a test 
say 10(kg) + 1(g); 
say 10(m) + 1(m); 

Bu, çözmeniz gereken bir sorundan ziyade bir Kod Gözden Geçirme sorusu gibi görünüyor. Siz * olabilir * (ve onların Yardım Merkezi'ni kontrol edin ilk) kardeş sitemizde daha iyi bir uyum bulmak https://codereview.stackexchange.com – IMSoP


'submethod BUILD's gereksiz çünkü kamu olarak nitelikleri ilan etti. –


evet, bu alt metinde, herhangi bir nesne kullanmadan; –



Hata mesajlarını girişte bildiren tiplerle değiştiriyorum. Bu sayede, Perl 6 sayıların girilip girilmediği konusunda endişelenir ve eğer uygun değilse, uygun hata mesajları verir. Ayrıca tüm uzunlukların ve kitlelerin olumlu olduğu varsayımıyla inşa ettim.

#!/usr/bin/env perl6 
use v6; 
#basic SI(International System of Units) type 

role MetricPrefix { 
    method baseOn (Str $base , Numeric $input) { 
     given $base { 
      when 'pico' { return $input * 10**-12 } 
      when 'namo' { return $input * 10**-9 } 
      when 'micro' { return $input * 10**-6 } 
      when 'milli' { return $input * 10**-3 } 
      when 'centi' { return $input * 10**-2 } 
      when 'hecto' { return $input * 10**2 } 
      when 'kilo' { return $input * 10**3 } 
      when 'mega' { return $input * 10**6 } 
      when 'giga' { return $input * 10**9 } 
      when 'tera' { return $input * 10**12 } 
      default { fail "you must input a metric prefix within the range of pico to tera" } 

class Mass does MetricPrefix { 
    #basic Mass is g is different form si statda 
    has $.g where * > 0; 

class Length does MetricPrefix { 
    has $.Length where * > 0; 

# Mass 
multi postfix:<(kg)>($input where * > 0) { 
    return Mass.new(g => Mass.baseOn("kilo",$input)); 

multi postfix:<(g)>($input where * > 0) { 
    return Mass.new(g => $input); 

multi infix:<+>(Mass $inputOne , Mass $inputTwo) is assoc<right> { 
    return Mass.new(g => $inputOne.g + $inputTwo.g); 

multi infix:<->(Mass $inputOne , Mass $inputTwo) is assoc<right> { 
    return Mass.new(g => $inputOne.g - $inputTwo.g); 

multi infix:<*>(Mass $inputOne , Mass $inputTwo) is assoc<right> is tighter(&infix:<+>) is tighter(&infix:<->) is tighter(&infix:</>) { 
    return Mass.new(g => $inputOne.g * $inputTwo.g); 

multi infix:</>(Mass $inputOne , Mass $inputTwo) is assoc<right> is tighter(&infix:<+>) is tighter(&infix:<->) { 
    return Mass.new(g => $inputOne.g/$inputTwo.g); 

multi postfix:<(km)>($input where * > 0) { 
    return Length.new(Length => Length.baseOn("kilo",$input)); 

multi postfix:<(m)>($input where * > 0) { 
    return Length.new(Length => $input); 

multi infix:<+>(Length $inputOne , Length $inputTwo) is assoc<right> { 
    return Length.new(Length => $inputOne.Length + $inputTwo.Length); 

multi infix:<->(Length $inputOne , Length $inputTwo) is assoc<right> { 
    return Length.new(Length => $inputOne.Length - $inputTwo.Length); 

multi infix:<*>(Length $inputOne , Length $inputTwo) is assoc<right> is tighter(&infix:<+>) is tighter(&infix:<->) is tighter(&infix:</>) { 
    return Length.new(Length => $inputOne.Length * $inputTwo.Length); 

multi infix:</>(Length $inputOne , Length $inputTwo) is assoc<right> is tighter(&infix:<+>) is tighter(&infix:<->) { 
    return Length.new(Length => $inputOne.Length/$inputTwo.Length); 

#just a test 
say 10(kg) + 1(g); 
say 10(m) + 1(m); 
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