2016-03-29 13 views

Aşağıdaki kod benim ve aşağıdaki son yöntemde, tüm işlemi ben yapıyorum. Lütfen dönüş türlerini dikkate almayın, daha sonra değiştirdim. Yukarıdaki kodumdur.openxml kullanarak excel'e belirli bir hücreye arka plan rengi uygular

public static byte[] CreateExcelDocument<T>(List<T> list, string filename) 
      DataSet ds = new DataSet(); 
      byte[] byteArray = CreateExcelDocumentAsStream(ds, filename); 
      return byteArray; 
public static bool CreateExcelDocumentAsStream(DataSet ds, string filename, System.Web.HttpResponse Response) 
       System.IO.MemoryStream stream = new System.IO.MemoryStream(); 
       using (SpreadsheetDocument document = SpreadsheetDocument.Create(stream, SpreadsheetDocumentType.Workbook, true)) 
        WriteExcelFile(ds, document); 
       stream.Position = 0; 

       Response.Buffer = true; 
       Response.Charset = ""; 

       // NOTE: If you get an "HttpCacheability does not exist" error on the following line, make sure you have 
       // manually added System.Web to this project's References. 

       Response.AddHeader("content-disposition", "attachment; filename=" + filename); 
       Response.ContentType = "application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.spreadsheetml.sheet"; 
       byte[] data1 = new byte[stream.Length]; 
       stream.Read(data1, 0, data1.Length); 

       return true; 
      catch (Exception ex) 
       Trace.WriteLine("Failed, exception thrown: " + ex.Message); 
       return false; 

private static void WriteExcelFile(DataSet ds, SpreadsheetDocument spreadsheet) 
      // Create the Excel file contents. This function is used when creating an Excel file either writing 
      // to a file, or writing to a MemoryStream. 
      spreadsheet.WorkbookPart.Workbook = new DocumentFormat.OpenXml.Spreadsheet.Workbook(); 

      // My thanks to James Miera for the following line of code (which prevents crashes in Excel 2010) 
      spreadsheet.WorkbookPart.Workbook.Append(new BookViews(new WorkbookView())); 

      // If we don't add a "WorkbookStylesPart", OLEDB will refuse to connect to this .xlsx file ! 
      WorkbookStylesPart workbookStylesPart = spreadsheet.WorkbookPart.AddNewPart<WorkbookStylesPart>("rIdStyles"); 
      //var workbookStylesPart = spreadsheet.WorkbookPart.AddNewPart<WorkbookStylesPart>(); 
      Stylesheet stylesheet = new Stylesheet(new Fills(
       // Index 0 - required, reserved by Excel - no pattern 
        new Fill(new PatternFill { PatternType = PatternValues.None }), 
       // Index 1 - required, reserved by Excel - fill of gray 125 
        new Fill(new PatternFill { PatternType = PatternValues.Gray125 }), 
       // Index 2 - no pattern text on gray background 
        new Fill(new PatternFill 
         PatternType = PatternValues.Solid, 
         BackgroundColor = new BackgroundColor { Indexed = 64U }, 
         ForegroundColor = new ForegroundColor { Rgb = "FFD9D9D9" } 
      workbookStylesPart.Stylesheet = stylesheet; 
      // create a solid red fill 

      // Loop through each of the DataTables in our DataSet, and create a new Excel Worksheet for each. 
      uint worksheetNumber = 1; 
      Sheets sheets = spreadsheet.WorkbookPart.Workbook.AppendChild<Sheets>(new Sheets()); 
      foreach (DataTable dt in ds.Tables) 
       // For each worksheet you want to create 
       string worksheetName = dt.TableName; 

       // Create worksheet part, and add it to the sheets collection in workbook 
       WorksheetPart newWorksheetPart = spreadsheet.WorkbookPart.AddNewPart<WorksheetPart>(); 
       Sheet sheet = new Sheet() { Id = spreadsheet.WorkbookPart.GetIdOfPart(newWorksheetPart), SheetId = worksheetNumber, Name = worksheetName }; 

       // Append this worksheet's data to our Workbook, using OpenXmlWriter, to prevent memory problems 
       WriteDataTableToExcelWorksheet(dt, newWorksheetPart); 



     private static void WriteDataTableToExcelWorksheet(DataTable dt, WorksheetPart worksheetPart) 
      OpenXmlWriter writer = OpenXmlWriter.Create(worksheetPart); 
      writer.WriteStartElement(new Worksheet()); 
      writer.WriteStartElement(new SheetData()); 

      string cellValue = ""; 

      // Create a Header Row in our Excel file, containing one header for each Column of data in our DataTable. 
      // We'll also create an array, showing which type each column of data is (Text or Numeric), so when we come to write the actual 
      // cells of data, we'll know if to write Text values or Numeric cell values. 
      int numberOfColumns = dt.Columns.Count; 
      bool[] IsNumericColumn = new bool[numberOfColumns]; 

      string[] excelColumnNames = new string[numberOfColumns]; 
      for (int n = 0; n < numberOfColumns; n++) 
       excelColumnNames[n] = GetExcelColumnName(n); 

      // Create the Header row in our Excel Worksheet 
      uint rowIndex = 1; 

      writer.WriteStartElement(new Row { RowIndex = rowIndex }); 
      for (int colInx = 0; colInx < numberOfColumns; colInx++) 
       DataColumn col = dt.Columns[colInx]; 
       //AppendTextCell(excelColumnNames[colInx] + "1", col.ColumnName, ref writer); 
       AppendTextCell1(excelColumnNames[colInx] + "1", col.ColumnName, ref writer); 
       IsNumericColumn[colInx] = (col.DataType.FullName == "System.Decimal") || (col.DataType.FullName == "System.Int32") || (col.DataType.FullName == "System.Double") || (col.DataType.FullName == "System.Single"); 
      writer.WriteEndElement(); // End of header "Row" 

      // Now, step through each row of data in our DataTable... 
      double cellNumericValue = 0; 
      foreach (DataRow dr in dt.Rows) 
       // ...create a new row, and append a set of this row's data to it. 

       writer.WriteStartElement(new Row { RowIndex = rowIndex }); 

       for (int colInx = 0; colInx < numberOfColumns; colInx++) 
        cellValue = dr.ItemArray[colInx].ToString(); 

        // Create cell with data 
        if (IsNumericColumn[colInx]) 
         // For numeric cells, make sure our input data IS a number, then write it out to the Excel file. 
         // If this numeric value is NULL, then don't write anything to the Excel file. 
         cellNumericValue = 0; 
         if (double.TryParse(cellValue, out cellNumericValue)) 
          cellValue = cellNumericValue.ToString(); 
          AppendNumericCell(excelColumnNames[colInx] + rowIndex.ToString(), cellValue, ref writer); 
         // For text cells, just write the input data straight out to the Excel file. 
         AppendTextCell(excelColumnNames[colInx] + rowIndex.ToString(), cellValue, ref writer); 
       writer.WriteEndElement(); // End of Row 
      writer.WriteEndElement(); // End of SheetData 
      writer.WriteEndElement(); // End of worksheet 


     private static void AppendTextCell(string cellReference, string cellStringValue, ref OpenXmlWriter writer) 
      // Add a new Excel Cell to our Row 
      //writer.WriteElement(new Cell { CellValue = new CellValue(cellStringValue), CellReference = cellReference, DataType = CellValues.String }); 
      writer.WriteElement(new Cell { CellValue = new CellValue(cellStringValue), CellReference = cellReference, DataType = CellValues.String });    
     private static void AppendTextCell1(string cellReference, string cellStringValue, ref OpenXmlWriter writer) 
      // Add a new Excel Cell to our Row 
      //writer.WriteElement(new Cell { CellValue = new CellValue(cellStringValue), CellReference = cellReference, DataType = CellValues.String }); 
      writer.WriteElement(new Cell(new CellValue(cellStringValue)) { CellReference = cellReference, DataType = CellValues.String, StyleIndex = 2 }); 

     private static void AppendNumericCell(string cellReference, string cellStringValue, ref OpenXmlWriter writer) 
      // Add a new Excel Cell to our Row 
      writer.WriteElement(new Cell { CellValue = new CellValue(cellStringValue), CellReference = cellReference, DataType = CellValues.Number }); 

Yukarıda kodum. Stil sayfası doldurarak renk eklemeyi deniyorum, ancak bir hücreye uygulamak için styleindex kavramını anlamadım. Lütfen yardım et.


Olası çoğaltılabilir [Hücrelerin arka planı nasıl ayarlanır?] (Http://stackoverflow.com/questions/14051642/how-to-set-cells-background) –


Yazı için bu yazı yok, uygulamak istiyorum renk. –


Yinelenen yanı sıra bu MSDN blogu var: [Excel çalışma sayfalarınızı Açık XML 2.0 ile stilize etme] (https://blogs.msdn.microsoft.com/chrisquon/2009/11/30/stylizing-your-excel-worksheets -with-open-xml-2-0 /), size styleindex kavramını anlamanızı öğretecek –



Bu MSDN blog for Stylizing Excel, ihtiyacınız olan bilgilere sahiptir.

Stil Oluşturma Excel çalışma sayfaları, Açık XML 2.0 ile, biçim değiştirerek arka plan rengi için çalışır.