2016-04-13 21 views

Program, 3.0 işleminde hata olmadan çalışıyor ancak web kamerası görüntülenmiyor. Diğer yakalama programlarını denemeden denediğimden ve her şeyin mükemmel şekilde çalıştığı web kamerasının çalıştığından eminim. Sorunun nerede olduğunu anlayamıyorum. Web kamerası işlemeye başlamıyor.

import processing.video.*; 
Capture capture; 

int tolerance = 20; //control how much a pixel must be diffrent from the corresponding pixel of the "samplingImage" 
int pixelsNecessary = 100; //this describes the quantity of reactive pixels required to set to activare a sensor 

int whichMode = 0; //this variables is just to show the functionality and is not necessary 

boolean backgroundCaptured = false; //this variable are just to show the functionality and is not necessary 

rects[] rects; //this object array contains all the instances of the rectangles defined into the class "rects" 

PImage samplingImage; //this is the image that is used check the differences with the live image 

void setup(){ 

    String[] cameras = Capture.list(); 

    if (cameras.length == 0) { 
    println("There are no cameras available for capture."); 
    } else { 
    println("Available cameras:"); 
    for (int i = 0; i < cameras.length; i++) { 
    samplingImage = createImage(500,375,RGB); //create a new blank image just to define its dimensions 

    capture = new Capture(this, cameras[15]); //here begins a new sessions of capturing of the images from the webcam 

    rects = new rects[100]; //define the rects array dimension 

    //here you can insert more rectangles (sensors) by specifying x1,y1,x2,y2 
    rects[0] = new rects(100,100,130,130); 
    rects[1] = new rects(50,200,150,280); 
    rects[2] = new rects(250,50,380,100); 


void keyPressed(){ 

    if(key == 'q'){ //if the key is pressed reset a new sampleImage 



    //Others keys commands to change the parameters 
    if(key == 's' && tolerance > 0) tolerance--; 
    if(key == 'a' && tolerance < 255) tolerance++; 
    if(key == 'f' && tolerance > 0) pixelsNecessary--; 
    if(key == 'g' ) pixelsNecessary++; 
    if(key == 'z') { if(backgroundCaptured==false)backgroundCaptured=true; else backgroundCaptured=false; whichMode++; } 


void captureEvent(Capture myCapture) { 

    capture.read(); //this refresh the image captured by webcam and stored in the capture variable 

void draw(){ 

    int pixelX = -1, pixelY = -1; 

    if(whichMode % 2 == 1) setSampleImage(); //this is necessary for the motion mode because it needs a new sampleImage every cycle 

    capture.loadPixels(); //fill an array of pixels from the current captured image 

    for(int i=0; i<capture.height*capture.width; i++){ //read every element of the pixels array 

     pixelX = i % width;               //get the real pixel X position 

     if(pixelX != width) pixelY = (i/width) +1; else pixelY = (i/width); //get the real pixel Y position 

     if(abs(hue(capture.pixels[i]) - hue(samplingImage.pixels[i])) > tolerance && abs(saturation(capture.pixels[i]) - saturation(samplingImage.pixels[i])) > tolerance && abs(brightness(capture.pixels[i]) - brightness(samplingImage.pixels[i])) >tolerance){ //HSB values comparison between the current image and the sample image at the current pixel 

      for(int q = 0; q < 100; q++){ //loop trough the rects array 


        if(pixelX > rects[q].x1 && pixelX < rects[q].x2 && pixelY > rects[q].y1 && pixelY < rects[q].y2) //check if there is a sensors in this part of the image 
        rects[q].amount++; //increase the number of pixels activated for this sensor 




    image(capture , 0 , 0); //show the live webcam image 

    if(!backgroundCaptured){ //this is just for this demostration. you nees just what is in the else parenthesis 
     fill(0 , 0 , 0 , 100); 
     text("Go out from the screen and press 'q' key\n in order to capture the background.\n\n Drag the rectangles (sensors) to change the sensors positions.\n\nPress 'a'/'s' keys to decrease/increase the sensors tolerance.\n\nPress 'f'/'g' keys to decrease/increase the number of pixels\n necessary to activate a sensor.\n\n Press 'z' to switch to the motion sensor mode. " , width/2 , 100); 


     for(int q = 0 ; q < 100 ; q++){ //loop trough the rects array 

      if(rects[q] != null) rects[q].draw(); //draw this rectangle object (go to the class to learn more) 



    //these are for this demo as well 
    fill(0 , 0 , 0 , 200); 
    rect(0 , height - 30 , width , height); 
    text("Tolerance (a/s): " + (255-tolerance) , 10 , height - 10); 
    text("Pixels required (f/g): " + pixelsNecessary , 150 , height - 10); 

    if(whichMode%2==1) text("Mode (z): Motion Sensor" , 320 , height - 10); else text("Mode (z): Presence Sensor" , 320 , height - 10); 


class rects{ //rectangle (sensors) class 

    int x1 , x2 , y1 , y2 , amount ; //coordinateso of the corner-corner rectangle and the amount of activated pixels 

    rects(int get_x1 , int get_y1 , int get_x2 , int get_y2){ //lets create a new rectangles with the passed parameters 

     x1 = get_x1; 
     y1 = get_y1; 
     x2 = get_x2; 
     y2 = get_y2; 


    public void draw(){ //rectangle draw function 


     if(amount > pixelsNecessary || amount == ((x2-x1)*(y2-y1))) fill(255 , 0 , 0); //if the amount is higher than ne pixelsNecessary variable or if it is equal to the number of maximum pixels of a rectangle draw it of red 

     if(mousePressed && mouseX > x1 && mouseX < x2 && mouseY > y1 && mouseY < y2){ //this is just for this demo in order to let you move the sensors 

      x1 += mouseX - pmouseX ; 
      x2 += mouseX - pmouseX ; 
      y1 += mouseY - pmouseY ; 
      y2 += mouseY - pmouseY ; 

      //draw the rectangle and the amount value text 
      rect(x1 , y1 , x2 , y2); 
      text(amount , x1 + (x2 - x1)/2 , y1 + (y2 - y1)/2 + 5); 
      amount = 0; 


void setSampleImage(){ 

     backgroundCaptured=true; //this is for the demo 

     samplingImage.loadPixels(); //fill an array of pixels from the sampling image 

     for(int i = 0 ; i < capture.height * capture.width ; i++) samplingImage.pixels[i] = capture.pixels[i]; //change every pixel with the current pixel of the live image 

     samplingImage.updatePixels(); //update the image 




Şimdi çalıştığını (Zaten işleme kütüphanesi yüklemiş) !!

import processing.video.*; 
Capture capture; 

int tolerance = 20; //control how much a pixel must be diffrent from the corresponding pixel of the "samplingImage" 
int pixelsNecessary = 100; //this describes the quantity of reactive pixels required to set to activare a sensor 

int whichMode = 0; //this variables is just to show the functionality and is not necessary 

boolean backgroundCaptured = false; //this variable are just to show the functionality and is not necessary 

rects[] rects; //this object array contains all the instances of the rectangles defined into the class "rects" 

PImage samplingImage; //this is the image that is used check the differences with the live image 

void setup(){ 

    String[] cameras = Capture.list(); 

    if (cameras.length == 0) { 
    println("There are no cameras available for capture."); 
    } else { 
    println("Available cameras:"); 
    for (int i = 0; i < cameras.length; i++) { 
    samplingImage = createImage(640,480,RGB); //create a new blank image just to define its dimensions 

    capture = new Capture(this, 640, 480, cameras[0]); //here begins a new sessions of capturing of the images from the webcam 
    rects = new rects[100]; //define the rects array dimension 

    //here you can insert more rectangles (sensors) by specifying x1,y1,x2,y2 
    rects[0] = new rects(100,100,130,130); 
    rects[1] = new rects(50,200,150,280); 
    rects[2] = new rects(250,50,380,100); 


void keyPressed(){ 

    if(key == 'q'){ //if the key is pressed reset a new sampleImage 



    //Others keys commands to change the parameters 
    if(key == 's' && tolerance > 0) tolerance--; 
    if(key == 'a' && tolerance < 255) tolerance++; 
    if(key == 'f' && tolerance > 0) pixelsNecessary--; 
    if(key == 'g' ) pixelsNecessary++; 
    if(key == 'z') { if(backgroundCaptured==false)backgroundCaptured=true; else backgroundCaptured=false; whichMode++; } 


void captureEvent (Capture myCapture){ 

void draw(){ 

    int pixelX = -1, pixelY = -1; 

    if(whichMode % 2 == 1) setSampleImage(); //this is necessary for the motion mode because it needs a new sampleImage every cycle 

    capture.loadPixels(); //fill an array of pixels from the current captured image 

    for(int i=0; i<capture.height*capture.width; i++){ //read every element of the pixels array 

     pixelX = i % width;               //get the real pixel X position 

     if(pixelX != width) pixelY = (i/width) +1; else pixelY = (i/width); //get the real pixel Y position 

     if(abs(hue(capture.pixels[i]) - hue(samplingImage.pixels[i])) > tolerance && abs(saturation(capture.pixels[i]) - saturation(samplingImage.pixels[i])) > tolerance && abs(brightness(capture.pixels[i]) - brightness(samplingImage.pixels[i])) >tolerance){ //HSB values comparison between the current image and the sample image at the current pixel 

      for(int q = 0; q < 100; q++){ //loop trough the rects array 


        if(pixelX > rects[q].x1 && pixelX < rects[q].x2 && pixelY > rects[q].y1 && pixelY < rects[q].y2) //check if there is a sensors in this part of the image 
        rects[q].amount++; //increase the number of pixels activated for this sensor 




    // image(capture , 0 , 0); //show the live webcam image 
    set(0, 0, capture); 

    if(!backgroundCaptured){ //this is just for this demostration. you nees just what is in the else parenthesis 
     fill(0 , 0 , 0 , 100); 
     text("Go out from the screen and press 'q' key\n in order to capture the background.\n\n Drag the rectangles (sensors) to change the sensors positions.\n\nPress 'a'/'s' keys to decrease/increase the sensors tolerance.\n\nPress 'f'/'g' keys to decrease/increase the number of pixels\n necessary to activate a sensor.\n\n Press 'z' to switch to the motion sensor mode. " , width/2 , 100); 


     for(int q = 0 ; q < 100 ; q++){ //loop trough the rects array 

      if(rects[q] != null) rects[q].draw(); //draw this rectangle object (go to the class to learn more) 



    //these are for this demo as well 
    fill(0 , 0 , 0 , 200); 
    rect(0 , height - 30 , width , height); 
    text("Tolerance (a/s): " + (255-tolerance) , 10 , height - 10); 
    text("Pixels required (f/g): " + pixelsNecessary , 150 , height - 10); 

    if(whichMode%2==1) text("Mode (z): Motion Sensor" , 320 , height - 10); else text("Mode (z): Presence Sensor" , 320 , height - 10); 


class rects{ //rectangle (sensors) class 

    int x1 , x2 , y1 , y2 , amount ; //coordinateso of the corner-corner rectangle and the amount of activated pixels 

    rects(int get_x1 , int get_y1 , int get_x2 , int get_y2){ //lets create a new rectangles with the passed parameters 

     x1 = get_x1; 
     y1 = get_y1; 
     x2 = get_x2; 
     y2 = get_y2; 


    public void draw(){ //rectangle draw function 


     if(amount > pixelsNecessary || amount == ((x2-x1)*(y2-y1))) fill(255 , 0 , 0); //if the amount is higher than ne pixelsNecessary variable or if it is equal to the number of maximum pixels of a rectangle draw it of red 

     if(mousePressed && mouseX > x1 && mouseX < x2 && mouseY > y1 && mouseY < y2){ //this is just for this demo in order to let you move the sensors 

      x1 += mouseX - pmouseX ; 
      x2 += mouseX - pmouseX ; 
      y1 += mouseY - pmouseY ; 
      y2 += mouseY - pmouseY ; 

      //draw the rectangle and the amount value text 
      rect(x1 , y1 , x2 , y2); 
      text(amount , x1 + (x2 - x1)/2 , y1 + (y2 - y1)/2 + 5); 
      amount = 0; 


void setSampleImage(){ 

     backgroundCaptured=true; //this is for the demo 

     samplingImage.loadPixels(); //fill an array of pixels from the sampling image 

     for(int i = 0 ; i < capture.height * capture.width ; i++) samplingImage.pixels[i] = capture.pixels[i]; //change every pixel with the current pixel of the live image 

     samplingImage.updatePixels(); //update the image 

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