2009-03-03 21 views

İki polyline (bir çok satırdan oluşan bir yol) almak ve bunlar arasında bir birleştirme, çıkarma veya kesişme yapmak için bir algoritmanın nasıl oluşturulacağını okumak için iyi bir kaynağa ihtiyacım var. Bu, özel bir API'ye bağlı olduğundan, temel algoritmayı anlamam gerekiyor. Ayrıca, bir VB diyalektindeki herhangi bir kaynak iki kat yararlı olacaktır.Grafik algoritması Birleştirmeler, kesişir, çıkarır



Bu catalogue bulmak umuyoruz. Veri havuzu, The Algorithm Design Manual: Algoritmalar hakkında çok saygın bir kitabın yazarı olan Steven Skiena, tarafından yönetilmektedir. bu arada kendi Amazon exec linki :) o hile olacaktır ve sadece önemli, teşekkürler algoritması ne denir biliyor ve google fazla şeyler buldum benziyor



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Algoritmanın ismini bilmek savaşın yarısıdır - belki daha fazlası. – MarkJ


Sizin için birkaç rutinler. Eğer yararlı olabilecek yararlı :-) onlara Stony Brook Algorithm Repository gelen kavşak algoritmalarının uygulamaların

// routine to calculate the square of either the shortest distance or largest distance 
// from the CPoint to the intersection point of a ray fired at an angle flAngle 
// radians at an array of line segments 
// this routine returns TRUE if an intersection has been found in which case flD 
// is valid and holds the square of the distance. 
// and returns FALSE if no valid intersection was found 
// If an intersection was found, then intersectionPoint is set to the point found 
bool CalcIntersection(const CPoint &cPoint, 
         const float flAngle, 
         const int nVertexTotal, 
         const CPoint *pVertexList, 
         const BOOL bMin, 
         float &flD, 
         CPoint &intersectionPoint) 

    float d, dsx, dsy, dx, dy, lambda, mu, px, py; 
    int p0x, p0y, p1x, p1y; 

    // get source position 
    const float flSx = (float)cPoint.x; 
    const float flSy = -(float)cPoint.y; 

    // calc trig functions 
    const float flTan = tanf(flAngle); 
    const float flSin = sinf(flAngle); 
    const float flCos = cosf(flAngle); 
    const bool bUseSin = fabsf(flSin) > fabsf(flCos); 

    // initialise distance 
    flD = (bMin ? FLT_MAX : 0.0f); 

    // for each line segment in protective feature 
    for(int i = 0; i < nVertexTotal; i++) 
     // get coordinates of line (negate the y value so the y-axis is upwards) 
     p0x = pVertexList[i].x; 
     p0y = -pVertexList[i].y; 
     p1x = pVertexList[i + 1].x; 
     p1y = -pVertexList[i + 1].y; 

     // calc. deltas 
     dsx = (float)(cPoint.x - p0x); 
     dsy = (float)(-cPoint.y - p0y); 
     dx = (float)(p1x - p0x); 
     dy = (float)(p1y - p0y); 

     // calc. denominator 
     d = dy * flTan - dx; 

     // if line & ray are parallel 
     if(fabsf(d) < 1.0e-7f) 

     // calc. intersection point parameter 
     lambda = (dsy * flTan - dsx)/d; 

     // if intersection is not valid 
     if((lambda <= 0.0f) || (lambda > 1.0f)) 

     // if sine is bigger than cosine 
      mu = ((float)p0x + lambda * dx - flSx)/flSin; 
     } else { 
      mu = ((float)p0y + lambda * dy - flSy)/flCos; 

     // if intersection is valid 
     if(mu >= 0.0f){ 

      // calc. intersection point 
      px = (float)p0x + lambda * dx; 
      py = (float)p0y + lambda * dy; 

      // calc. distance between intersection point & source point 
      dx = px - flSx; 
      dy = py - flSy; 
      d = dx * dx + dy * dy; 

      // compare with relevant value 
       if(d < flD) 
        flD = d; 
        intersectionPoint.x = RoundValue(px); 
        intersectionPoint.y = -RoundValue(py); 
      } else { 
       if(d > flD) 
        flD = d; 
        intersectionPoint.x = RoundValue(px); 
        intersectionPoint.y = -RoundValue(py); 

    // return 
    return(bMin ? (flD != FLT_MAX) : (flD != 0.0f)); 

// Routine to calculate the square of the distance from the CPoint to the 
// intersection point of a ray fired at an angle flAngle radians at a line. 
// This routine returns TRUE if an intersection has been found in which case flD 
// is valid and holds the square of the distance. 
// Returns FALSE if no valid intersection was found. 
// If an intersection was found, then intersectionPoint is set to the point found. 
bool CalcIntersection(const CPoint &cPoint, 
         const float flAngle, 
         const CPoint &PointA, 
         const CPoint &PointB, 
         const bool bExtendLine, 
         float &flD, 
         CPoint &intersectionPoint) 
    // get source position 
    const float flSx = (float)cPoint.x; 
    const float flSy = -(float)cPoint.y; 

    // calc trig functions 
    float flTan = tanf(flAngle); 
    float flSin = sinf(flAngle); 
    float flCos = cosf(flAngle); 
    const bool bUseSin = fabsf(flSin) > fabsf(flCos); 

    // get coordinates of line (negate the y value so the y-axis is upwards) 
    const int p0x = PointA.x; 
    const int p0y = -PointA.y; 
    const int p1x = PointB.x; 
    const int p1y = -PointB.y; 

    // calc. deltas 
    const float dsx = (float)(cPoint.x - p0x); 
    const float dsy = (float)(-cPoint.y - p0y); 
    float dx = (float)(p1x - p0x); 
    float dy = (float)(p1y - p0y); 

    // Calc. denominator 
    const float d = dy * flTan - dx; 

    // If line & ray are parallel 
    if(fabsf(d) < 1.0e-7f) 
     return false; 

    // calc. intersection point parameter 
    const float lambda = (dsy * flTan - dsx)/d; 

    // If extending line to meet point, don't check for ray missing line 
     // If intersection is not valid 
     if((lambda <= 0.0f) || (lambda > 1.0f)) 
      return false; // Ray missed line 

    // If sine is bigger than cosine 
    float mu; 
     mu = ((float)p0x + lambda * dx - flSx)/flSin; 
    } else { 
     mu = ((float)p0y + lambda * dy - flSy)/flCos; 

    // if intersection is valid 
    if(mu >= 0.0f) 
     // calc. intersection point 
     const float px = (float)p0x + lambda * dx; 
     const float py = (float)p0y + lambda * dy; 

     // calc. distance between intersection point & source point 
     dx = px - flSx; 
     dy = py - flSy; 
     flD = (dx * dx) + (dy * dy); 

     intersectionPoint.x = RoundValue(px); 
     intersectionPoint.y = -RoundValue(py); 
     return true; 

    return false; 

// Fillet (with a radius of 0) two lines. From point source fired at angle (radians) to line Line1A, Line1B. 
// Modifies line end point Line1B. If the ray does not intersect line, then it is rotates every 90 degrees 
// and tried again until fillet is complete. 
void Fillet(const CPoint &source, const float fThetaRadians, const CPoint &Line1A, CPoint &Line1B) 
    if(Line1A == Line1B) 
     return; // No line 

    float dist; 

    if(CalcIntersection(source, fThetaRadians, Line1A, Line1B, true, dist, Line1B)) 
    if(CalcIntersection(source, CalcBaseFloat(TWO_PI, fThetaRadians + PI * 0.5f), Line1A, Line1B, true, dist, Line1B)) 
    if(CalcIntersection(source, CalcBaseFloat(TWO_PI, fThetaRadians + PI), Line1A, Line1B, true, dist, Line1B)) 
    if(!CalcIntersection(source, CalcBaseFloat(TWO_PI, fThetaRadians + PI * 1.5f), Line1A, Line1B, true, dist, Line1B)) 
     ASSERT(FALSE); // Could not find intersection? 

// routine to determine if an array of line segments cross gridSquare 
// x and y give the float coordinates of the corners 
BOOL CrossGridSquare(int nV, const CPoint *pV, 
        const CRect &extent, const CRect &gridSquare) 
    // test extents 
    if((extent.right < gridSquare.left) || 
     (extent.left > gridSquare.right) || 
     (extent.top  > gridSquare.bottom) || 
     (extent.bottom < gridSquare.top)) 
     return FALSE; 

    float a, b, c, dx, dy, s, x[4], y[4]; 
    int max_x, max_y, min_x, min_y, p0x, p0y, p1x, p1y, sign, sign_old; 

    // construct array of vertices for grid square 
    x[0] = (float)gridSquare.left; 
    y[0] = (float)gridSquare.top; 
    x[1] = (float)(gridSquare.right); 
    y[1] = y[0]; 
    x[2] = x[1]; 
    y[2] = (float)(gridSquare.bottom); 
    x[3] = x[0]; 
    y[3] = y[2]; 

    // for each line segment 
    for(int i = 0; i < nV; i++) 
     // get end-points 
     p0x = pV[i].x; 
     p0y = pV[i].y; 
     p1x = pV[i + 1].x; 
     p1y = pV[i + 1].y; 

     // determine line extent 
     if(p0x > p1x){ 
      min_x = p1x; 
      max_x = p0x; 
     } else { 
      min_x = p0x; 
      max_x = p1x; 

     if(p0y > p1y){ 
      min_y = p1y; 
      max_y = p0y; 
     } else { 
      min_y = p0y; 
      max_y = p1y; 

     // test to see if grid square is outside of line segment extent 
     if((max_x < gridSquare.left) || 
      (min_x > gridSquare.right) || 
      (max_y < gridSquare.top) || 
      (min_y > gridSquare.bottom)) 

     // calc. line equation 
     dx = (float)(p1x - p0x); 
     dy = (float)(p1y - p0y); 
     a = dy; 
     b = -dx; 
     c = -dy * (float)p0x + dx * (float)p0y; 

     // evaluate line eqn. at first grid square vertex 
     s = a * x[0] + b * y[0] + c; 
     if(s < 0.0f){ 
      sign_old = -1; 
     } else if(s > 1.0f){ 
      sign_old = 1; 
     } else { 
      sign_old = 0; 

     // evaluate line eqn. at other grid square vertices 
     for (int j = 1; j < 4; j++) 
      s = a * x[j] + b * y[j] + c; 
      if(s < 0.0f){ 
       sign = -1; 
      } else if(s > 1.0f){ 
       sign = 1; 
      } else { 
       sign = 0; 

      // if there has been a chnage in sign 
      if(sign != sign_old) 
       return TRUE; 

    return FALSE; 

// calculate the square of the shortest distance from point s 
// and the line segment between p0 and p1 
// t is the point on the line from which the minimum distance 
// is measured 
float CalcShortestDistanceSqr(const CPoint &s, 
           const CPoint &p0, 
           const CPoint &p1, 
           CPoint &t) 
    // if point is at a vertex 
    if((s == p0) || (s == p1)) 

    // calc. deltas 
    int dx = p1.x - p0.x; 
    int dy = p1.y - p0.y; 
    int dsx = s.x - p0.x; 
    int dsy = s.y - p0.y; 

    // if both deltas are zero 
    if((dx == 0) && (dy == 0)) 
     // shortest distance is distance is to either vertex 
     float l = (float)(dsx * dsx + dsy * dsy); 
     t = p0; 

    // calc. point, p, on line that is closest to sourcePosition 
    // p = p0 + l * (p1 - p0) 
    float l = (float)(dsx * dx + dsy * dy)/(float)(dx * dx + dy * dy); 

    // if intersection is beyond p0 
    if(l <= 0.0F){ 

     // shortest distance is to p0 
     l = (float)(dsx * dsx + dsy * dsy); 
     t = p0; 

    // else if intersection is beyond p1 
    } else if(l >= 1.0F){ 

     // shortest distance is to p1 
     dsx = s.x - p1.x; 
     dsy = s.y - p1.y; 
     l = (float)(dsx * dsx + dsy * dsy); 
     t = p1; 

    // if intersection is between line end points 
    } else { 
     // calc. perpendicular distance 
     float ldx = (float)dsx - l * (float)dx; 
     float ldy = (float)dsy - l * (float)dy; 
     t.x = p0.x + RoundValue(l * (float)dx); 
     t.y = p0.y + RoundValue(l * (float)dy); 
     l = ldx * ldx + ldy * ldy; 


// Calculates the bounding rectangle around a set of points 
// Returns TRUE if the rectangle is not empty (has area), FALSE otherwise 
// Opposite of CreateRectPoints() 
BOOL CalcBoundingRectangle(const CPoint *pVertexList, const int nVertexTotal, CRect &rect) 
    if(nVertexTotal < 2) 
     ASSERT(FALSE); // Must have at least 2 points 
     return FALSE; 

    // First point, set rectangle (no area at this point) 
    rect.left = rect.right = pVertexList[0].x; 
    rect.top = rect.bottom = pVertexList[0].y; 

    // Increst rectangle by looking at other points 
    for(int n = 1; n < nVertexTotal; n++) 
     if(rect.left > pVertexList[n].x) // Take minimum 
      rect.left = pVertexList[n].x; 

     if(rect.right < pVertexList[n].x) // Take maximum 
      rect.right = pVertexList[n].x; 

     if(rect.top > pVertexList[n].y)  // Take minimum 
      rect.top = pVertexList[n].y; 

     if(rect.bottom < pVertexList[n].y) // Take maximum 
      rect.bottom = pVertexList[n].y; 

    rect.NormalizeRect(); // Normalise rectangle 
    return !(rect.IsRectEmpty()); 