2016-03-29 14 views

Ben Fresco kütüphaneye yeni ve DraweeView içine uri görüntüyü yüklerken daire Progressbar göstermeye çalışıyor değilim. Şimdi aşağıda gösterildiği gibi varsayılan progressbar kullanıyorum: AncakFresk'te kullanmak için Circle ProgressDrawable nasıl oluşturulur?

GenericDraweeHierarchyBuilder builder = new GenericDraweeHierarchyBuilder(getResources()); 
GenericDraweeHierarchy hierarchy = builder.setFadeDuration(fadeInTime).build(); 
hierarchy.setProgressBarImage(new ProgressBarDrawable()); 

, ProgressBarhorizontal ProgressBar mı? Çembere değiştirmek için zaten var mı?


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ama herhangi bir sonuç bulamıyorum. Kendi CircleProgressDrawable'u yazmaya karar verdim. Sadece benimle zaman kaybetmek istemeyen herkes için paylaşmak istiyorum.

public class CircleProgressDrawable extends ProgressBarDrawable { 

private final Paint mPaint = new Paint(Paint.ANTI_ALIAS_FLAG); 
private int mBackgroundColor = 0x80000000; 
private int mColor = 0x800080FF; 
private int mBarWidth = 20; 
private int mLevel = 0; 
private boolean mHideWhenZero = false; 
private int radius = 50; 

public CircleProgressDrawable() { 

public void setRadius(int radius) { 
    this.radius = radius; 

* Sets the progress bar color. 
public void setColor(int color) { 
    if (mColor != color) { 
     mColor = color; 

* Gets the progress bar color. 
public int getColor() { 
    return mColor; 

* Sets the progress bar background color. 
public void setBackgroundColor(int backgroundColor) { 
    if (mBackgroundColor != backgroundColor) { 
     mBackgroundColor = backgroundColor; 

* Gets the progress bar background color. 
public int getBackgroundColor() { 
    return mBackgroundColor; 

* Sets the progress bar width. 
public void setBarWidth(int barWidth) { 
    if (mBarWidth != barWidth) { 
     mBarWidth = barWidth; 

* Gets the progress bar width. 
public int getBarWidth() { 
    return mBarWidth; 

* Sets whether the progress bar should be hidden when the progress is 0. 
public void setHideWhenZero(boolean hideWhenZero) { 
    mHideWhenZero = hideWhenZero; 

* Gets whether the progress bar should be hidden when the progress is 0. 
public boolean getHideWhenZero() { 
    return mHideWhenZero; 

protected boolean onLevelChange(int level) { 
    mLevel = level; 
    return true; 

public void setAlpha(int alpha) { 

public void setColorFilter(ColorFilter cf) { 

public int getOpacity() { 
    return DrawableUtils.getOpacityFromColor(mPaint.getColor()); 

public void draw(Canvas canvas) { 
    if (mHideWhenZero && mLevel == 0) { 
    drawCircle(canvas, mBackgroundColor); 
    drawArc(canvas, mLevel, mColor); 

private final int MAX_LEVEL = 10000; 

private void drawArc(Canvas canvas, int level, int color) { 

    Rect bounds = getBounds(); 
    // find center point 
    int xpos = bounds.left + bounds.width()/2; 
    int ypos = bounds.bottom - bounds.height()/2; 
    RectF rectF = new RectF(xpos - radius, ypos - radius, xpos + radius, ypos + radius); 
    float degree = (float) level/(float) MAX_LEVEL * 360; 
    canvas.drawArc(rectF, 270, degree, false, mPaint); 
    LogUtils.e("level: " + level + ", degree: " + degree); 

private void drawCircle(Canvas canvas, int color) { 
    Rect bounds = getBounds(); 
    int xpos = bounds.left + bounds.width()/2; 
    int ypos = bounds.bottom - bounds.height()/2; 
    canvas.drawCircle(xpos, ypos, radius, mPaint); 
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