2013-06-05 37 views

Toplam yaklaşık 700 ek açıklama görüntülemek için MKMapView kullanıyorum. Ben hatayla ilgili olarak herhangi bir şey bulamadı oldumGarip hata: Çokgen oluşturulamıyor

2013-06-05 17:32:12.395 tiet[1493:1c52b] Can't render polygon (can't reserve indicies: 324): featureID: 1547811419 key: 73.35.7 (512) 
2013-06-05 17:32:12.396 tiet[1493:1c52b] Can't render polygon (can't reserve indicies: 480): featureID: 1547811419 key: 73.35.7 (512) 
2013-06-05 17:32:12.396 tiet[1493:1c52b] Can't render polygon (can't reserve indicies: 30): featureID: 1547811419 key: 73.35.7 (512) 
2013-06-05 17:32:12.396 tiet[1493:1c52b] Can't render polygon (can't reserve indicies: 18): featureID: 1547811419 key: 73.35.7 (512) 
2013-06-05 17:32:12.396 tiet[1493:1c52b] Can't render polygon (can't reserve indicies: 18): featureID: 1547811419 key: 73.35.7 (512) 
2013-06-05 17:32:12.397 tiet[1493:1c52b] Can't render polygon (can't reserve indicies: 1818): featureID: 1547811419 key: 73.35.7 (512) 
2013-06-05 17:32:12.397 tiet[1493:1c52b] Can't render polygon (can't reserve indicies: 18): featureID: 1547811419 key: 73.35.7 (512) 
2013-06-05 17:32:12.397 tiet[1493:1c52b] Can't render polygon (can't reserve indicies: 18): featureID: 1547811419 key: 73.35.7 (512) 
2013-06-05 17:32:12.397 tiet[1493:1c52b] Can't render polygon (can't reserve indicies: 18): featureID: 1547811419 key: 73.35.7 (512) 
2013-06-05 17:32:12.397 tiet[1493:1c52b] Can't render polygon (can't reserve indicies: 234): featureID: 1547811419 key: 73.35.7 (512) 
2013-06-05 17:32:12.397 tiet[1493:1c52b] Can't render polygon (can't reserve indicies: 90): featureID: 1547811419 key: 73.35.7 (512) 
2013-06-05 17:32:12.398 tiet[1493:1c52b] Can't render polygon (can't reserve indicies: 174): featureID: 1547811419 key: 73.35.7 (512) 
2013-06-05 17:32:12.398 tiet[1493:1c52b] Can't render polygon (can't reserve indicies: 18): featureID: 1547811419 key: 73.35.7 (512) 
2013-06-05 17:32:12.398 tiet[1493:1c52b] Can't render polygon (can't reserve indicies: 162): featureID: 1547811419 key: 73.35.7 (512) 
2013-06-05 17:32:12.398 tiet[1493:1c52b] Can't render polygon (can't reserve indicies: 186): featureID: 1547811419 key: 73.35.7 (512) 
2013-06-05 17:32:12.398 tiet[1493:1c52b] Can't render polygon (can't reserve indicies: 114): featureID: 1547811419 key: 73.35.7 (512) 
2013-06-05 17:32:12.398 tiet[1493:1c52b] Can't render polygon (can't reserve indicies: 18): featureID: 1547811419 key: 73.35.7 (512) 
2013-06-05 17:32:12.398 tiet[1493:1c52b] Can't render polygon (can't reserve indicies: 120): featureID: 1547811419 key: 73.35.7 (512) 
2013-06-05 17:32:12.399 tiet[1493:1c52b] Can't render polygon (can't reserve indicies: 78): featureID: 1547811419 key: 73.35.7 (512) 
2013-06-05 17:32:12.399 tiet[1493:1c52b] Can't render polygon (can't reserve indicies: 126): featureID: 1547811419 key: 73.35.7 (512) 
2013-06-05 17:32:12.399 tiet[1493:1c52b] Can't render polygon (can't reserve indicies: 192): featureID: 1547811419 key: 73.35.7 (512) 
2013-06-05 17:32:12.399 tiet[1493:1c52b] Can't render polygon (can't reserve indicies: 18): featureID: 1547811419 key: 73.35.7 (512) 
2013-06-05 17:32:12.399 tiet[1493:1c52b] Can't render polygon (can't reserve indicies: 30): featureID: 1547811419 key: 73.35.7 (512) 
2013-06-05 17:32:12.400 tiet[1493:1c52b] Can't render polygon (can't reserve indicies: 156): featureID: 1547811419 key: 73.35.7 (512) 
2013-06-05 17:32:12.400 tiet[1493:1c52b] Can't render polygon (can't reserve indicies: 18): featureID: 1547811419 key: 73.35.7 (512) 
2013-06-05 17:32:12.400 tiet[1493:1c52b] Can't render polygon (can't reserve indicies: 18): featureID: 1547811419 key: 73.35.7 (512) 
2013-06-05 17:32:12.400 tiet[1493:1c52b] Can't render polygon (can't reserve indicies: 84): featureID: 1547811419 key: 73.35.7 (512) 
2013-06-05 17:32:12.400 tiet[1493:1c52b] Can't render polygon (can't reserve indicies: 30): featureID: 1547811419 key: 73.35.7 (512) 

ve tamamen şaşkın duyuyorum: Sorunum bazen böyle büyük bir günlüğünü elde ediyoruz. Görebildiğim hiçbir gerçek görsel tutarsızlık yok ve başka bir hata yok. Bunun neyle ilgili olduğu hakkında bir fikri olan var mı?


Bunun için bir çözüm buldunuz mu? Şu anda aynı sorunu yaşıyorum – gasparuff


@gasparuff Bu projeyle ilgili aylar önce tamamlanmıştı, ama hatırlayabildiğim kadarıyla elimden gelenin en sonunda hataları bir hata olarak kabul ettim. IIRC Zaman zaman, sadece kendi hata ayıklama günlüklerinde gerçekleşmesi beklenen hata iletileri, dağıtım oluşturmalarında sona erer. Bu hata için herhangi bir neden bulamadım ve her ne olursa olsun sistem tarafından aynı anda tespit edildiğini umarak sona erdi. – Tapppi


olası bir kopyası [Çokgen oluşturulamıyor (gösterimleri ayıramazsınız: XX): featureID: X tuşu: XXXX] (http://stackoverflow.com/questions/23966911/cant-render-polygon-cant-reserve- indicies-xx-featureid-x-key-xxxx) – Daniel


I also had the same problem once in iOS6.1. 
I was zooming out the map based on a coordinate which was (0.00000,0.00000). 
In my code:- 
CLLocationCoordinate2D theCoordinate ; 
    theCoordinate.latitude = [[self.dicOfMAP objectForKey:@"latitude"] doubleValue]; 
    theCoordinate.longitude = [[self.dicOfMAP objectForKey:@"longitude"] doubleValue]; 

    self.pointAnnotation.coordinate = theCoordinate; 

the value of theCoordinate was(0.0,0.0). 
So check the value of coordinate. 

Ne yazık ki bu çözümü test etmek için zamanım yok, ama bunun orijinal olarak yanıtlandığı gibi bunun nedeni olduğundan şüpheleniyorum [burada] (http: // stackoverflow.com/a/23969763/1603234) – Tapppi