2015-08-31 15 views

clojure.test kullanarak birim sınamaları yazdım ve şimdi criterium ve perforate kullanarak uygulamamın karşılaştırmasını ekliyorum.Clojure - 'timbre' günlük kaydını yapılandırma

Bu güzel çalışır, ancak bir endişem var: Ben referanslarımda çok sayıda günlük görüyorum. timbre kullanıyorum ve bunu Leiningen'den Clojure kodundan nasıl yapılandıracağımı bilmiyorum.

Bir yapılandırma haritası oluşturmuyorum, ancak README uygulamasının süper basit olduğunu iddia etsem de, ek belgeler bulamadım ve varsayılan değerlerle çok mutlu oldum.

nasıl arasında farklı profillere sahip üzere timbre günlüğünü yapılandırırım development, production ve benchmarks (development bir alt durumda).

Not: durumunda bu alakalı, ben zaten Leiningen bir production ve development profilleri kullanıyorum.



Evet, Timbre dokümanları geliştirilebilir. Here is a demo program Doğru ayarları anlamaya kullandı: komut satırında çalıştırıldığında

(ns log-timbre.core 
    (:require [clojure.java.io :as io] 
      [taoensso.timbre :as timbre]) 

; Set up the name of the log output file and delete any contents from previous runs (the 
; default is to continually append all runs to the file). 
(def log-file-name "log.txt") 
(io/delete-file log-file-name :quiet) 

(timbre/refer-timbre) ; set up timbre aliases 

; The default setup is simple console logging. We with to turn off console logging and 
; turn on file logging to our chosen filename. 
(timbre/set-config! [:appenders :standard-out :enabled?] false) 
(timbre/set-config! [:appenders :spit   :enabled?] true) 
(timbre/set-config! [:shared-appender-config :spit-filename] log-file-name) 

; Set the lowest-level to output as :debug 
(timbre/set-level! :debug) 

(defn my-fn 
    "A simple fn to demonstrate profiling" 
    (let [nums (vec (range 1000))] 
    (+ (p :fast-sleep (Thread/sleep 1) 10) 
     (p :slow-sleep (Thread/sleep 2) 32) 
     (p :add (reduce + nums)) 
     (p :sub (reduce - nums)) 
     (p :mult (reduce * nums)) 
     (p :div (reduce/nums))))) 

(defn -main [] 
    (println "Hello, World!") ; a short message to the console 

    ; Demonstrate logging with Timbre 
    (trace "Hello, Timbre! trace") ; will not be logged, below current log-level 
    (debug "Hello, Timbre! debug") 
    (info "Hello, Timbre! info") 
    (warn "Hello, Timbre! warn") 
    (error "Hello, Timbre! error") 
    (fatal "Hello, Timbre! fatal") 

    ; Demonstrate 3 arities of spy 
    (info "Arg-1") 
    (info "Arg-1" :Arg-2) 
    (info "Arg-1" :Arg-2 ["Arg-3"]) 
    (info "Arg-1" :Arg-2 ["Arg-3"] {:Arg 4}) 

    ; Demonstrate 3 arities of spy 
    (assert (= {:a 1}  (spy :info "Spy returns the last value" {:a 1}))) 
    (assert (= 42   (spy (* 6 7)))) ; no level implies :debug 
    (assert (= 42   (spy :warn (* 6 7)))) 
    (assert (= {:a 1}  (spy :error "optional message" {:a 1}))) 

    ; Even exceptions look nice in the logs 
    (error (Exception. "Doh!") "Any extra" :items {:go "here"}) 

    ; Demonstrate profiling with Timbre 
    (info "(my-fn) => " (my-fn)) 
    (profile :info :Arithmetic (dotimes [n 100] (my-fn))) 

    ; Note that when using "lein run", we must place a call to (shutdown-agents) at the end of 
    ; the main program. If this is omitted there is a one minute delay before (non-daemon) 
    ; agent threads will shutdown. For some reason, however, this is not required for "lein 
    ; test". Presumably "lein test" either calls either (shutdown-agents) or (System/exit 0) 
    ; when it is complete. 


> lein run 
Hello, World! 

şöyle eylemin tüm dosyaya log.txt girecek:

> cat log.txt 
2015-Sep-01 13:48:35 -0700 brandy DEBUG [log-timbre.core] - Hello, Timbre! debug 
2015-Sep-01 13:48:35 -0700 brandy INFO [log-timbre.core] - Hello, Timbre! info 
2015-Sep-01 13:48:35 -0700 brandy WARN [log-timbre.core] - Hello, Timbre! warn 
2015-Sep-01 13:48:35 -0700 brandy ERROR [log-timbre.core] - Hello, Timbre! error 
2015-Sep-01 13:48:35 -0700 brandy FATAL [log-timbre.core] - Hello, Timbre! fatal 
2015-Sep-01 13:48:35 -0700 brandy INFO [log-timbre.core] - Arg-1 
2015-Sep-01 13:48:35 -0700 brandy INFO [log-timbre.core] - Arg-1 :Arg-2 
2015-Sep-01 13:48:35 -0700 brandy INFO [log-timbre.core] - Arg-1 :Arg-2 [Arg-3] 
2015-Sep-01 13:48:35 -0700 brandy INFO [log-timbre.core] - Arg-1 :Arg-2 [Arg-3] {:Arg 4} 
2015-Sep-01 13:48:35 -0700 brandy INFO [log-timbre.core] - Spy returns the last value {:a 1} 
2015-Sep-01 13:48:35 -0700 brandy DEBUG [log-timbre.core] - (* 6 7) 42 
2015-Sep-01 13:48:35 -0700 brandy WARN [log-timbre.core] - (* 6 7) 42 
2015-Sep-01 13:48:35 -0700 brandy ERROR [log-timbre.core] - optional message {:a 1} 
2015-Sep-01 13:48:35 -0700 brandy ERROR [log-timbre.core] - Any extra :items {:go here} 
java.lang.Exception: Doh! 
    log-timbre.core/-main/invokeStatic       core.clj: 58 
       log-timbre.core/-main       core.clj  
       clojure.lang.Var.invoke       Var.java: 375 
      user/eval508/invokeStatic form-init3759584005372406642.clj: 1 
         user/eval508 form-init3759584005372406642.clj  
      clojure.lang.Compiler.eval      Compiler.java: 6946 
      clojure.lang.Compiler.eval      Compiler.java: 6936 
      clojure.lang.Compiler.load      Compiler.java: 7393 
     clojure.lang.Compiler.loadFile      Compiler.java: 7331 
clojure.main/load-script/invokeStatic       main.clj: 275 
    clojure.main/init-opt/invokeStatic       main.clj: 277 
       clojure.main/init-opt       main.clj  
clojure.main/initialize/invokeStatic       main.clj: 308 
    clojure.main/null-opt/invokeStatic       main.clj: 342 
       clojure.main/null-opt       main.clj  
     clojure.main/main/invokeStatic       main.clj: 421 
        clojure.main/main       main.clj  
      clojure.lang.RestFn.invoke      RestFn.java: 421 
       clojure.lang.Var.invoke       Var.java: 383 
     clojure.lang.AFn.applyToHelper       AFn.java: 156 
      clojure.lang.Var.applyTo       Var.java: 700 
        clojure.main.main       main.java: 37 

2015-Sep-01 13:48:35 -0700 brandy INFO [log-timbre.core] - (my-fn) => 42 
2015-Sep-01 13:48:36 -0700 brandy INFO [log-timbre.core] - Profiling: :log-timbre.core/Arithmetic 
         Id  nCalls  Min  Max  MAD  Mean Time% Time 
:log-timbre.core/slow-sleep   100  2.0ms  2.0ms 11.0μs  2.0ms  59 208.0ms 
:log-timbre.core/fast-sleep   100  1.0ms  1.0ms 11.0μs  1.0ms  31 108.0ms 
     :log-timbre.core/div   100 33.0μs 420.0μs 37.0μs 70.0μs  2 7.0ms 
     :log-timbre.core/mult   100 16.0μs 384.0μs 28.0μs 42.0μs  1 4.0ms 
     :log-timbre.core/sub   100 10.0μs 308.0μs 27.0μs 33.0μs  1 3.0ms 
     :log-timbre.core/add   100  9.0μs 326.0μs 27.0μs 33.0μs  1 3.0ms 
       Clock Time               100 351.0ms 
      Accounted Time               95 334.0ms 

"(timbre/set-config! [: Shared-appender-config: spit-filename] günlük dosyası-adı) satırına" iki kez mi ihtiyacınız var? – Domchi


İyi yakalama! Kodu güncelledim. –


Bu cevap yeni sürüm ile güncelliğini yitiriyor gibi görünüyor mu? Hata alıyorum (2) set-config – jdkealy