2011-02-23 26 views



kontrol yetkilisi Sosyal Grafik API belgeleri: bölüm "Nesneleri"


Teşekkür - resmi belgeler vermeyin Dizinin maksimum uzunluğu gibi döndürülen alanların tam veri türleri. –


Arg, Grafik belgeleri, gördüğüm en kötüsüdür. – Martin


Aynı sorunu yaşıyorum –


altında http://developers.facebook.com/docs/reference/api/

Bak bir araç olarak adlandırılan grafik API'si kaşif yoktur. https://developers.facebook.com/tools/explorer Bir son nokta üzerinde dönmeye mevcut olan tüm alanı keşfetmek istiyorsanız = 1 Basitçe meta verileri eklemek


Bu günlerde, yalnızca kaşifde birkaç alan gösteriliyor: ' ( –


Bu özellik kaldırıldı mı? Bir alan listesi almıyorum. – Joe


Bunu şimdi kaldırdılar Üzgün ​​ – user3801349


Hızlı kullanım alanlarını listelemek ve sadece nasıl göstermek gerektiğini sormak gibi;

    "metadata": { 
    "fields": [ 
     "name": "id", 
     "description": "The id of this person's user account. This ID is unique to each app and cannot be used across different apps. [Our upgrade guide provides more information about app-specific IDs](/docs/apps/upgrading/#upgrading_v2_0_user_ids)", 
     "type": "numeric string" 
     "name": "about", 
     "description": "Equivalent to the `bio` field", 
     "type": "string" 
     "name": "admin_notes", 
     "description": "Notes added by viewing page on this person", 
     "type": "list<pageadminnote>" 
     "name": "age_range", 
     "description": "The age segment for this person expressed as a minimum and maximum age. For example, more than 18, less than 21.", 
     "type": "agerange" 
     "name": "birthday", 
     "description": "The person's birthday. This is a fixed format string, like `MM/DD/YYYY`. However, people can control who can see the year they were born separately from the month and day so this string can be only the year (YYYY) or the month + day (MM/DD)", 
     "type": "string" 
     "name": "context", 
     "description": "Social context for this person", 
     "type": "usercontext" 
     "name": "cover", 
     "description": "The person's cover photo", 
     "type": "coverphoto" 
     "name": "currency", 
     "description": "The person's local currency information", 
     "type": "currency" 
     "name": "devices", 
     "description": "The list of devices the person is using. This will return only iOS and Android devices", 
     "type": "list<userdevice>" 
     "name": "education", 
     "description": "The person's education", 
     "type": "list<educationexperience>" 
     "name": "email", 
     "description": "The person's primary email address listed on their profile. This field will not be returned if no valid email address is available", 
     "type": "string" 
     "name": "employee_number", 
     "description": "The person's employee number, as set by the company via SCIM API", 
     "type": "string" 
     "name": "favorite_athletes", 
     "description": "Athletes the person likes", 
     "type": "list<experience>" 
     "name": "favorite_teams", 
     "description": "Sports teams the person likes", 
     "type": "list<experience>" 
     "name": "first_name", 
     "description": "The person's first name", 
     "type": "string" 
     "name": "gender", 
     "description": "The gender selected by this person, `male` or `female`. This value will be omitted if the gender is set to a custom value", 
     "type": "string" 
     "name": "hometown", 
     "description": "The person's hometown", 
     "type": "page" 
     "name": "inspirational_people", 
     "description": "The person's inspirational people", 
     "type": "list<experience>" 
     "name": "install_type", 
     "description": "Install type", 
     "type": "enum" 
     "name": "installed", 
     "description": "Is the app making the request installed?", 
     "type": "bool" 
     "name": "interested_in", 
     "description": "Genders the person is interested in", 
     "type": "list<string>" 
     "name": "is_shared_login", 
     "description": "Is this a shared login (e.g. a gray user)", 
     "type": "bool" 
     "name": "is_verified", 
     "description": "People with large numbers of followers can have the authenticity of their identity [manually verified by Facebook](https://www.facebook.com/help/196050490547892). This field indicates whether the person's profile is verified in this way. This is distinct from the `verified` field", 
     "type": "bool" 
     "name": "labels", 
     "description": "Labels applied by viewing page on this person", 
     "type": "list<pagelabel>" 
     "name": "languages", 
     "description": "Facebook Pages representing the languages this person knows", 
     "type": "list<experience>" 
     "name": "last_name", 
     "description": "The person's last name", 
     "type": "string" 
     "name": "link", 
     "description": "A link to the person's Timeline", 
     "type": "string" 
     "name": "locale", 
     "description": "The person's locale", 
     "type": "string" 
     "name": "location", 
     "description": "The person's current location as entered by them on their profile. This field is not related to check-ins", 
     "type": "page" 
     "name": "meeting_for", 
     "description": "What the person is interested in meeting for", 
     "type": "list<string>" 
     "name": "middle_name", 
     "description": "The person's middle name", 
     "type": "string" 
     "name": "name", 
     "description": "The person's full name", 
     "type": "string" 
     "name": "name_format", 
     "description": "The person's name formatted to correctly handle Chinese, Japanese, or Korean ordering", 
     "type": "string" 
     "name": "payment_pricepoints", 
     "description": "The person's payment pricepoints", 
     "type": "paymentpricepoints" 
     "name": "political", 
     "description": "The person's political views", 
     "type": "string" 
     "name": "public_key", 
     "description": "The person's PGP public key", 
     "type": "string" 
     "name": "quotes", 
     "description": "The person's favorite quotes", 
     "type": "string" 
     "name": "relationship_status", 
     "description": "The person's relationship status", 
     "type": "string" 
     "name": "religion", 
     "description": "The person's religion", 
     "type": "string" 
     "name": "security_settings", 
     "description": "Security settings", 
     "type": "securitysettings" 
     "name": "shared_login_upgrade_required_by", 
     "description": "The time that the shared loginneeds to be upgraded to Business Manager by", 
     "type": "datetime" 
     "name": "significant_other", 
     "description": "The person's significant other", 
     "type": "user" 
     "name": "sports", 
     "description": "Sports played by the person", 
     "type": "list<experience>" 
     "name": "test_group", 
     "description": "Platform test group", 
     "type": "unsigned int32" 
     "name": "third_party_id", 
     "description": "A string containing an anonymous, but unique identifier for the person. You can use this identifier with third parties", 
     "type": "string" 
     "name": "timezone", 
     "description": "The person's current timezone offset from UTC", 
     "type": "float (min: -24) (max: 24)" 
     "name": "token_for_business", 
     "description": "A token that is the same across a business's apps. Access to this token requires that the person be logged into your app or have a role on your app. This token will change if the business owning the app changes", 
     "type": "string" 
     "name": "updated_time", 
     "description": "Updated time", 
     "type": "datetime" 
     "name": "verified", 
     "description": "Indicates whether the account has been verified. This is distinct from the `is_verified` field. Someone is considered verified if they take any of the following actions:", 
     "type": "bool" 
     "name": "video_upload_limits", 
     "description": "Video upload limits", 
     "type": "videouploadlimits" 
     "name": "viewer_can_send_gift", 
     "description": "Can the viewer send a gift to this person?", 
     "type": "bool" 
     "name": "website", 
     "description": "The person's website", 
     "type": "string" 
     "name": "work", 
     "description": "Details of a person`s work experience", 
     "type": "list<workexperience>" 

Sen kullanabilirsiniz:


bir json Format olarak facebook uygulaması için (web tuval) varsayılan izin erişim belirtecini kullanarak, bugüne kadar Facebook Graph API Explorer tarafından alınan alanlar (53) listesidir Kolay başvuru için CSV'ye aktarılacak çevrimiçi bir araç.


Ve listesini almak için nasıl ? İşte docs

onlara listesi bu yazı İşte


diğer cevaplara bakınız en yaygın public_user alanları şu şekildedir:

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