2016-04-05 15 views

bu ben hazırda ile çalışıyorum ilk kez ve hazırda bu basit sorgu yapmak istiyorum: özelliği çözemedi sql queryorg.hibernate.QueryException: ait MetadataForHibernate: bookshare.entity.hasbooks.HasBooks

her şeyi denedim ama her zaman aynı hata çıktı alın: Ben yapılan org.hibernate.QueryException: could not resolve property: MetadataForHibernate of: bookshare.entity.hasbooks.HasBooks [SELECT H.MetadataForHibernate FROM


public List<MetadataForHibernate> getBooksByTitle(int userID, String Title) { 
    Configuration cfg = new Configuration(); 
    SessionFactory factory = cfg.buildSessionFactory(); 
    Session session = factory.openSession(); 
    Transaction tx = session.beginTransaction(); 

    Query query = session.createQuery(
      "SELECT H.MetadataForHibernate FROM HasBooks as H WHERE H.users.id = :userid AND LOWER(H.MetadataForHibernate.title) LIKE LOWER(:title) ORDER BY B.title ASC "); 
    query.setParameter("userid", userID); 
    query.setParameter("title", "%" + Title + "%"); 

    List<MetadataForHibernate> books = (List<MetadataForHibernate>) query.list(); 
    return books; 


public class MetadataForHibernate { 

@Column(name = "bookshareId") 
private int bookshareId; 

private String author; 

@Column(name = "availableToDownload") 
private int availableToDownload; 

@Column(name = "briefSynopsis") 
private String briefSynopsis; 

private String category; 

@Column(name = "completeSynopsis") 
private String completeSynopsis; 

@Column(name = "contentId") 
private int contentId; 

@Column(name = "copyright") 
private Date copyright; 

private String downloadFormat; 

private int dtbookSize; 

@Column(name = "freelyAvailable") 
private int freelyAvailable; 

@Column(name = "brf") 
private int brf; 

@Column(name = "daisy") 
private int daisy; 

@Column(name = "images") 
private int images; 

@Column(name = "isbn13") 
private String isbn13; 

private String language; 

@Column(name = "publishDate") 
private Date publishDate; 

@Column(name = "publisher") 
private String publisher; 

@Column(name = "quality") 
private String quality; 

@Column(name = "title") 
private String title; 

private List<HasBooks> hasBooks; 

public MetadataForHibernate(){ 
    hasBooks = new ArrayList<HasBooks>(); 

//Getters & Setters 

public List<HasBooks> getHasBooks() { 
    return hasBooks; 

public void setHasBooks(List<HasBooks> hasBooks) { 
    this.hasBooks = hasBooks; 

public int getFreelyAvailable() 
    return freelyAvailable; 

public void setFreelyAvailable (String freelyAvailable) 
    this.freelyAvailable = Integer.parseInt(freelyAvailable); 

public String getCompleteSynopsis() 
    return completeSynopsis; 

public void setCompleteSynopsis (String completeSynopsis) 
    this.completeSynopsis = completeSynopsis; 

public int getDaisy() 
    return daisy; 

public void setDaisy (String daisy) 
    this.daisy = Integer.parseInt(daisy); 

public Date getCopyright() 
    return copyright; 

public void setCopyright (Date copyright) 
    this.copyright = copyright; 

public int getAvailableToDownload() 
    return availableToDownload; 

public void setAvailableToDownload (String availableToDownload) 
    this.availableToDownload = Integer.parseInt(availableToDownload); 

public int getContentId() 
    return contentId; 

public void setContentId (String contentId) 
    this.contentId = Integer.parseInt(contentId); 

public String getPublisher() 
    return publisher; 

public void setPublisher (String publisher) 
    this.publisher = publisher; 

public int getBookshareId() 
    return bookshareId; 

public void setBookshareId (String bookshareId) 
    this.bookshareId = Integer.parseInt(bookshareId); 

public String getAuthor() 
    return author; 

public void setAuthor (String author) 
    this.author = author; 

public String getTitle() 
    return title; 

public void setTitle (String title) 
    this.title = title; 

public String getCategory() 
    return category; 

public void setCategory (String category) 
    this.category = category; 

public String getQuality() 
    return quality; 

public void setQuality (String quality) 
    this.quality = quality; 

public String getIsbn13() 
    return isbn13; 

public void setIsbn13 (String isbn13) 
    this.isbn13 = isbn13; 

public int getImages() 
    return images; 

public void setImages (String images) 
    this.images = Integer.parseInt(images); 

public String getLanguage() 
    return language; 

public void setLanguage (String language) 
    this.language = language; 

public String getBriefSynopsis() 
    return briefSynopsis; 

public void setBriefSynopsis (String briefSynopsis) 
    this.briefSynopsis = briefSynopsis; 

public int getDtbookSize() 
    return dtbookSize; 

public void setDtbookSize (int dtbookSize) 
    this.dtbookSize = dtbookSize; 

public int getBrf() 
    return brf; 

public void setBrf (String brf) 
    this.brf = Integer.parseInt(brf); 

public Date getPublishDate() 
    return publishDate; 

public void setPublishDate (Date publishDate) 
    this.publishDate = publishDate; 

public String getDownloadFormat() 
    return downloadFormat; 

public void setDownloadFormat (String downloadFormat) 
    this.downloadFormat = downloadFormat; 

public String toString() 
    return "ClassPojo [freelyAvailable = "+freelyAvailable+", completeSynopsis = "+completeSynopsis+", daisy = "+daisy+", copyright = "+copyright+", availableToDownload = "+availableToDownload+", contentId = "+contentId+", publisher = "+publisher+", bookshareId = "+bookshareId+", author = "+author+", title = "+title+", category = "+category+", quality = "+quality+", isbn13 = "+isbn13+", images = "+images+", language = "+language+", briefSynopsis = "+briefSynopsis+", dtbookSize = "+dtbookSize+", brf = "+brf+", publishDate = "+publishDate+", downloadFormat = "+downloadFormat+"]"; 

public void convertDataOf(BookDetail book) throws ParseException{ 
    DateFormat format; 
    Date date; 

    this.author=String.join(",", book.getBookshare().getBook().getMetadata().getAuthor()); 
    this.category=String.join(",", book.getBookshare().getBook().getMetadata().getCategory()); 

    //convert String to date 
    format = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy"); 
    date = format.parse(book.getBookshare().getBook().getMetadata().getCopyright()); 

    this.downloadFormat=String.join(",", book.getBookshare().getBook().getMetadata().getDownloadFormat()); 
    this.language=String.join(",", book.getBookshare().getBook().getMetadata().getLanguage()); 

    //convert String to date 
    format = new SimpleDateFormat("MMddyyyy"); 
    date = format.parse(book.getBookshare().getBook().getMetadata().getPublishDate()); 




@Table(name = "tblhasbooks") 
public class HasBooks implements Serializable { 

    //@Column(name = "Id",unique = true,nullable = false) 

    private int hasBooksId; 

    @ManyToOne(cascade = CascadeType.ALL) 
    private Users user; 

    @ManyToOne(cascade = CascadeType.ALL) 
    private MetadataForHibernate book; 

    public MetadataForHibernate getBook() { 
     return book; 

    public Users getUser() { 
     return user; 

    public int getHasBooksId() { 
     return hasBooksId; 

    public void setHasBooksId(int hasBooksId) { 
     this.hasBooksId = hasBooksId; 

    public void setUser(Users user) { 
     this.user = user; 

    public void setBook(MetadataForHibernate book) { 
     this.book = book; 



public class Users implements Serializable{ 

public Users(){hasBooks = new ArrayList<HasBooks>(); 

@Column(name = "Id",unique = true,nullable = false) 
private int Id; 

@Column(name = "email") 
private String email; 

@Column(name = "password") 
private String password; 

private List<HasBooks> hasBooks; 

//Getters & Setters 

public List<HasBooks> getHasBooks() { 
    return hasBooks; 

public void setHasBooks(List<HasBooks> hasBooks) { 
    this.hasBooks = hasBooks; 

public int getId() { 
    return Id; 

public void setUser_id(int Id) { 
    this.Id = Id; 

public String getEmail() { 
    return email; 

public void setEmail(String email) { 
    this.email = email; 

public String getPassword() { 
    return password; 

public void setPassword(String password) { 
    this.password = password; 




Bir özellik adını değil, bir özellik türü belirtmek gerekir.

SELECT H.MetadataForHibernate FROM HasBooks as H


SELECT H.book FROM HasBooks H

düzeltilecek olan Ve bir kitap özelliklerini kontrol etmek katılmak gerek

SELECT book 
    FROM HasBooks H inner join H.book book 
    where book.title :=title 

Yazdığınız sorgu geçerli hazırda Sorgu değil Dil (HQL), check the documentation for hints veya Nesne [] listesi almak için her zaman native query kullanabilirsiniz. Sonuç kümesinden, zaten sahip olduğunuz sorguyu koruyarak.

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