2016-04-01 21 views



codeproject içinde this solution bulduk. Yazar, eğri metni gösterebilen TextOnAPath denetimini oluşturdu.

Kaynak kodu:

public class TextOnAPath : Control 
    static TextOnAPath() 
     DefaultStyleKeyProperty.OverrideMetadata(typeof(TextOnAPath), new FrameworkPropertyMetadata(typeof(TextOnAPath))); 

      new FrameworkPropertyMetadata(
       new PropertyChangedCallback(OnFontPropertyChanged))); 

      new FrameworkPropertyMetadata(
       new PropertyChangedCallback(OnFontPropertyChanged))); 

      new FrameworkPropertyMetadata(
       new PropertyChangedCallback(OnFontPropertyChanged))); 

      new FrameworkPropertyMetadata(
       new PropertyChangedCallback(OnFontPropertyChanged))); 

      new FrameworkPropertyMetadata(
       new PropertyChangedCallback(OnFontPropertyChanged))); 

    static void OnFontPropertyChanged(DependencyObject d, DependencyPropertyChangedEventArgs e) 
     TextOnAPath textOnAPath = d as TextOnAPath; 

     if (textOnAPath == null) 

     if (e.NewValue == null || e.NewValue == e.OldValue) 


    double[] _segmentLengths; 
    TextBlock[] _textBlocks; 

    Panel _layoutPanel; 
    bool _layoutHasValidSize = false; 

    #region Text DP 
    public String Text 
     get { return (String)GetValue(TextProperty); } 
     set { SetValue(TextProperty, value); } 

    // Using a DependencyProperty as the backing store for Text. This enables animation, styling, binding, etc... 
    public static readonly DependencyProperty TextProperty = 
     DependencyProperty.Register("Text", typeof(String), typeof(TextOnAPath), 
     new PropertyMetadata(null, new PropertyChangedCallback(OnStringPropertyChanged), 
      new CoerceValueCallback(CoerceTextValue))); 

    static void OnStringPropertyChanged(DependencyObject d, DependencyPropertyChangedEventArgs e) 
     TextOnAPath textOnAPath = d as TextOnAPath; 

     if (textOnAPath == null) 

     if (e.NewValue == e.OldValue || e.NewValue == null) 
      if (textOnAPath._layoutPanel != null) 


    static object CoerceTextValue(DependencyObject d, object baseValue) 
     if ((String)baseValue == "") 
      return null; 

     return baseValue; 


    #region TextPath DP 
    public Geometry TextPath 
     get { return (Geometry)GetValue(TextPathProperty); } 
     set { SetValue(TextPathProperty, value); } 

    public static readonly DependencyProperty TextPathProperty = 
     DependencyProperty.Register("TextPath", typeof(Geometry), typeof(TextOnAPath), 
     new FrameworkPropertyMetadata(null, 

             new PropertyChangedCallback(OnTextPathPropertyChanged))); 

    static void OnTextPathPropertyChanged(DependencyObject d, DependencyPropertyChangedEventArgs e) 
     TextOnAPath textOnAPath = d as TextOnAPath; 

     if (textOnAPath == null) 

     if (e.NewValue == e.OldValue || e.NewValue == null) 

     textOnAPath.TextPath.Transform = null; 



    #region DrawPath DP 

    /// <summary> 
    /// Set this property to True to display the TextPath geometry in the control 
    /// </summary> 
    public bool DrawPath 
     get { return (bool)GetValue(DrawPathProperty); } 
     set { SetValue(DrawPathProperty, value); } 

    public static readonly DependencyProperty DrawPathProperty = 
     DependencyProperty.Register("DrawPath", typeof(bool), typeof(TextOnAPath), 
     new PropertyMetadata(false, new PropertyChangedCallback(OnDrawPathPropertyChanged))); 

    static void OnDrawPathPropertyChanged(DependencyObject d, DependencyPropertyChangedEventArgs e) 
     TextOnAPath textOnAPath = d as TextOnAPath; 

     if (textOnAPath == null) 

     if (e.NewValue == e.OldValue || e.NewValue == null) 



    #region DrawLinePath DP 
    /// <summary> 
    /// Set this property to True to display the line segments under the text (flattened path) 
    /// </summary> 
    public bool DrawLinePath 
     get { return (bool)GetValue(DrawLinePathProperty); } 
     set { SetValue(DrawLinePathProperty, value); } 

    // Using a DependencyProperty as the backing store for DrawFlattendPath. This enables animation, styling, binding, etc... 
    public static readonly DependencyProperty DrawLinePathProperty = 
     DependencyProperty.Register("DrawLinePath", typeof(bool), typeof(TextOnAPath), 
     new PropertyMetadata(false, new PropertyChangedCallback(OnDrawLinePathPropertyChanged))); 

    static void OnDrawLinePathPropertyChanged(DependencyObject d, DependencyPropertyChangedEventArgs e) 
     TextOnAPath textOnAPath = d as TextOnAPath; 

     if (textOnAPath == null) 

     if (e.NewValue == e.OldValue || e.NewValue == null) 



    #region ScaleTextPath DP 
    /// <summary> 
    /// If set to True (default) then the geometry defined by TextPath automatically gets scaled to fit the width/height of the control 
    /// </summary> 
    public bool ScaleTextPath 
     get { return (bool)GetValue(ScaleTextPathProperty); } 
     set { SetValue(ScaleTextPathProperty, value); } 

    public static readonly DependencyProperty ScaleTextPathProperty = 
     DependencyProperty.Register("ScaleTextPath", typeof(bool), typeof(TextOnAPath), 
       new PropertyMetadata(false, new PropertyChangedCallback(OnScaleTextPathPropertyChanged))); 

    static void OnScaleTextPathPropertyChanged(DependencyObject d, DependencyPropertyChangedEventArgs e) 
     TextOnAPath textOnAPath = d as TextOnAPath; 

     if (textOnAPath == null) 

     if (e.NewValue == e.OldValue) 

     bool value = (Boolean)e.NewValue; 

     if (value == false && textOnAPath.TextPath != null) 
      textOnAPath.TextPath.Transform = null; 




    void UpdateText() 
     if (Text == null || FontFamily == null || FontWeight == null || FontStyle == null) 

     _textBlocks = new TextBlock[Text.Length]; 
     _segmentLengths = new double[Text.Length]; 

     for (int i = 0; i < Text.Length; i++) 
      TextBlock t = new TextBlock(); 
      t.FontSize = this.FontSize; 
      t.FontFamily = this.FontFamily; 
      t.FontStretch = this.FontStretch; 
      t.FontWeight = this.FontWeight; 
      t.FontStyle = this.FontStyle; 
      t.Text = new String(Text[i], 1); 
      t.RenderTransformOrigin = new Point(0.0, 1.0); 

      t.Measure(new Size(double.PositiveInfinity, double.PositiveInfinity)); 

      _textBlocks[i] = t; 
      _segmentLengths[i] = t.DesiredSize.Width; 


    void Update() 
     if (Text == null || TextPath == null || _layoutPanel == null || !_layoutHasValidSize) 

     List<Point> intersectionPoints; 

     intersectionPoints = GeometryHelper.GetIntersectionPoints(TextPath.GetFlattenedPathGeometry(), _segmentLengths); 


     _layoutPanel.Margin = new Thickness(FontSize); 

     for (int i = 0; i < intersectionPoints.Count - 1; i++) 
      double oppositeLen = Math.Sqrt(Math.Pow(intersectionPoints[i].X + _segmentLengths[i] - intersectionPoints[i + 1].X, 2.0) + Math.Pow(intersectionPoints[i].Y - intersectionPoints[i + 1].Y, 2.0))/2.0; 
      double hypLen = Math.Sqrt(Math.Pow(intersectionPoints[i].X - intersectionPoints[i + 1].X, 2.0) + Math.Pow(intersectionPoints[i].Y - intersectionPoints[i + 1].Y, 2.0)); 

      double ratio = oppositeLen/hypLen; 

      if (ratio > 1.0) 
       ratio = 1.0; 
      else if (ratio < -1.0) 
       ratio = -1.0; 

      //double angle = 0.0; 

      double angle = 2.0 * Math.Asin(ratio) * 180.0/Math.PI; 

      // adjust sign on angle 
      if ((intersectionPoints[i].X + _segmentLengths[i]) > intersectionPoints[i].X) 
       if (intersectionPoints[i + 1].Y < intersectionPoints[i].Y) 
        angle = -angle; 
       if (intersectionPoints[i + 1].Y > intersectionPoints[i].Y) 
        angle = -angle; 

      TextBlock currTextBlock = _textBlocks[i]; 

      RotateTransform rotate = new RotateTransform(angle); 
      TranslateTransform translate = new TranslateTransform(intersectionPoints[i].X, intersectionPoints[i].Y - currTextBlock.DesiredSize.Height); 
      TransformGroup transformGrp = new TransformGroup(); 
      currTextBlock.RenderTransform = transformGrp; 


      if (DrawLinePath == true) 
       Line line = new Line(); 
       line.X1 = intersectionPoints[i].X; 
       line.Y1 = intersectionPoints[i].Y; 
       line.X2 = intersectionPoints[i + 1].X; 
       line.Y2 = intersectionPoints[i + 1].Y; 
       line.Stroke = Brushes.Black; 

     // don't draw path if already drawing line path 
     if (DrawPath == true && DrawLinePath == false) 
      Path path = new Path(); 
      path.Data = TextPath; 
      path.Stroke = Brushes.Black; 

    public TextOnAPath() 

    public override void OnApplyTemplate() 

     _layoutPanel = GetTemplateChild("LayoutPanel") as Panel; 
     if (_layoutPanel == null) 
      throw new Exception("Could not find template part: LayoutPanel"); 

     _layoutPanel.SizeChanged += new SizeChangedEventHandler(_layoutPanel_SizeChanged); 

    Size _newSize; 

    void _layoutPanel_SizeChanged(object sender, SizeChangedEventArgs e) 
     _newSize = e.NewSize; 


    void UpdateSize() 
     if (_newSize == null || TextPath == null) 

     _layoutHasValidSize = true; 

     double xScale = _newSize.Width/TextPath.Bounds.Width; 
     double yScale = _newSize.Height/TextPath.Bounds.Height; 

     if (TextPath.Bounds.Width <= 0) 
      xScale = 1.0; 

     if (TextPath.Bounds.Height <= 0) 
      xScale = 1.0; 

     if (xScale <= 0 || yScale <= 0) 

     if (TextPath.Transform is TransformGroup) 
      TransformGroup grp = TextPath.Transform as TransformGroup; 
      if (grp.Children[0] is ScaleTransform && grp.Children[1] is TranslateTransform) 
       if (ScaleTextPath) 
        ScaleTransform scale = grp.Children[0] as ScaleTransform; 
        scale.ScaleX *= xScale; 
        scale.ScaleY *= yScale; 

       TranslateTransform translate = grp.Children[1] as TranslateTransform; 
       translate.X += -TextPath.Bounds.X; 
       translate.Y += -TextPath.Bounds.Y; 
      ScaleTransform scale; 
      TranslateTransform translate; 

      if (ScaleTextPath) 
       scale = new ScaleTransform(xScale, yScale); 
       translate = new TranslateTransform(-TextPath.Bounds.X * xScale, -TextPath.Bounds.Y * yScale); 
       scale = new ScaleTransform(1.0, 1.0); 
       translate = new TranslateTransform(-TextPath.Bounds.X, -TextPath.Bounds.Y); 

      TransformGroup grp = new TransformGroup(); 
      TextPath.Transform = grp; 

public static class GeometryHelper 
    public static List<Point> GetIntersectionPoints(PathGeometry FlattenedPath, double[] SegmentLengths) 
     List<Point> intersectionPoints = new List<Point>(); 

     List<Point> pointsOnFlattenedPath = GetPointsOnFlattenedPath(FlattenedPath); 

     if (pointsOnFlattenedPath == null || pointsOnFlattenedPath.Count < 2) 
      return intersectionPoints; 

     Point currPoint = pointsOnFlattenedPath[0]; 

     // find point on flattened path that is segment length away from current point 

     int flattedPathIndex = 0; 

     int segmentIndex = 1; 

     while (flattedPathIndex < pointsOnFlattenedPath.Count - 1 && 
      segmentIndex < SegmentLengths.Length + 1) 
      Point? intersectionPoint = GetIntersectionOfSegmentAndCircle(
       pointsOnFlattenedPath[flattedPathIndex + 1], currPoint, SegmentLengths[segmentIndex - 1]); 

      if (intersectionPoint == null) 
       currPoint = (Point)intersectionPoint; 
       pointsOnFlattenedPath[flattedPathIndex] = currPoint; 

     return intersectionPoints; 

    static List<Point> GetPointsOnFlattenedPath(PathGeometry FlattenedPath) 
     List<Point> flattenedPathPoints = new List<Point>(); 

     // for flattened geometry there should be just one PathFigure in the Figures 
     if (FlattenedPath.Figures.Count != 1) 
      return null; 

     PathFigure pathFigure = FlattenedPath.Figures[0]; 


     // SegmentsCollection should contain PolyLineSegment and LineSegment 
     foreach (PathSegment pathSegment in pathFigure.Segments) 
      if (pathSegment is PolyLineSegment) 
       PolyLineSegment seg = pathSegment as PolyLineSegment; 

       foreach (Point point in seg.Points) 
      else if (pathSegment is LineSegment) 
       LineSegment seg = pathSegment as LineSegment; 

       throw new Exception("GetIntersectionPoint - unexpected path segment type: " + pathSegment.ToString()); 


     return (flattenedPathPoints); 

    static Point? GetIntersectionOfSegmentAndCircle(Point SegmentPoint1, Point SegmentPoint2, 
     Point CircleCenter, double CircleRadius) 
     // linear equation for segment: y = mx + b 
     double slope = (SegmentPoint2.Y - SegmentPoint1.Y)/(SegmentPoint2.X - SegmentPoint1.X); 
     double intercept = SegmentPoint1.Y - (slope * SegmentPoint1.X); 

     // special case when segment is vertically oriented 
     if (double.IsInfinity(slope)) 
      double root = Math.Pow(CircleRadius, 2.0) - Math.Pow(SegmentPoint1.X - CircleCenter.X, 2.0); 

      if (root < 0) 
       return null; 

      // soln 1 
      double SolnX1 = SegmentPoint1.X; 
      double SolnY1 = CircleCenter.Y - Math.Sqrt(root); 
      Point Soln1 = new Point(SolnX1, SolnY1); 

      // have valid result if point is between two segment points 
      if (IsBetween(SolnX1, SegmentPoint1.X, SegmentPoint2.X) && 
       IsBetween(SolnY1, SegmentPoint1.Y, SegmentPoint2.Y)) 
      //if (ValidSoln(Soln1, SegmentPoint1, SegmentPoint2, CircleCenter)) 
       // found solution 
       return (Soln1); 

      // soln 2 
      double SolnX2 = SegmentPoint1.X; 
      double SolnY2 = CircleCenter.Y + Math.Sqrt(root); 
      Point Soln2 = new Point(SolnX2, SolnY2); 

      // have valid result if point is between two segment points 
      if (IsBetween(SolnX2, SegmentPoint1.X, SegmentPoint2.X) && 
       IsBetween(SolnY2, SegmentPoint1.Y, SegmentPoint2.Y)) 
      //if (ValidSoln(Soln2, SegmentPoint1, SegmentPoint2, CircleCenter)) 
       // found solution 
       return (Soln2); 
      // use soln to quadradratic equation to solve intersection of segment and circle: 
      // x = (-b +/ sqrt(b^2-4ac))/(2a) 
      double a = 1 + Math.Pow(slope, 2.0); 
      double b = (-2 * CircleCenter.X) + (2 * (intercept - CircleCenter.Y) * slope); 
      double c = Math.Pow(CircleCenter.X, 2.0) + Math.Pow(intercept - CircleCenter.Y, 2.0) - Math.Pow(CircleRadius, 2.0); 

      // check for no solutions, is sqrt negative? 
      double root = Math.Pow(b, 2.0) - (4 * a * c); 

      if (root < 0) 
       return null; 

      // we might have two solns... 

      // soln 1 
      double SolnX1 = (-b + Math.Sqrt(root))/(2 * a); 
      double SolnY1 = slope * SolnX1 + intercept; 
      Point Soln1 = new Point(SolnX1, SolnY1); 

      // have valid result if point is between two segment points 
      if (IsBetween(SolnX1, SegmentPoint1.X, SegmentPoint2.X) && 
       IsBetween(SolnY1, SegmentPoint1.Y, SegmentPoint2.Y)) 
      //if (ValidSoln(Soln1, SegmentPoint1, SegmentPoint2, CircleCenter)) 
       // found solution 
       return (Soln1); 

      // soln 2 
      double SolnX2 = (-b - Math.Sqrt(root))/(2 * a); 
      double SolnY2 = slope * SolnX2 + intercept; 
      Point Soln2 = new Point(SolnX2, SolnY2); 

      // have valid result if point is between two segment points 
      if (IsBetween(SolnX2, SegmentPoint1.X, SegmentPoint2.X) && 
       IsBetween(SolnY2, SegmentPoint1.Y, SegmentPoint2.Y)) 
      //if (ValidSoln(Soln2, SegmentPoint1, SegmentPoint2, CircleCenter)) 
       // found solution 
       return (Soln2); 

     // shouldn't get here...but in case 
     return null; 

    static bool IsBetween(double X, double X1, double X2) 
     if (X1 >= X2 && X <= X1 && X >= X2) 
      return true; 

     if (X1 <= X2 && X >= X1 && X <= X2) 
      return true; 

     return false; 

Kullanımı: Bu bağlantı soruya cevap verebilir

<TextOnAPath:TextOnAPath FontSize="30" DrawPath="True" 
    Text="The quick brown fox jumped over the lazy hen."> 
      <PathGeometry Figures="M0,0 C120,361 230.5,276.5 230.5,276.5 
        L308.5,237.50001 C308.5,237.50001 419.5,179.5002 367.5,265.49993 
        315.5,351.49966 238.50028,399.49924 238.50028,399.49924 L61.500017, 

birlikte, burada cevabın temel kısımlarını kapsar ve başvuru için bağlantıyı sağlamak için daha iyidir. Bağlantılı sayfa değiştiğinde yalnızca bağlantı yanıtları geçersiz olabilir. - [Yorum Yaz] (/ review/düşük kaliteli yazılar/11853430) – ajshort


@ajshort, teşekkürler. Düzenlenmiş cevap doğru mu? –

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