2010-11-19 20 views


<span class="countdown" rel="30">0:30</span><br/> 
<span class="countdown" rel="60">1:00</span><br/> 
<span class="countdown" rel="1800">30:00</span><br/> 

<script type="text/javascript" src="http://code.jquery.com/jquery-1.4.4.min.js"></script> 
<script type="text/javascript"> 

// Initialization 
    // Replace <span class="countdown"> rel content with the expiry epoch time 
    var date = new Date(); // This gives you an epoch date in milliseconds 
      // We do rel*1000 to convert to milliseconds, cause rel is in seconds 
     $(this).attr('rel', date.getTime()+parseInt($(this).attr('rel'))*1000); 

    // Set an interval so updateCountdown() is called every second 
    setInterval('updateCountdown()', 1000); 

// Update, called every second 
function updateCountdown() { 
    var date = new Date(); // This gives you an epoch date in milliseconds 
    // For each <span class="countdown"> 
     // Get time left in milliseconds 
     var timeLeft = parseInt($(this).attr('rel')) - date.getTime(); 

      // Convert from milliseconds to seconds 
      timeLeft = Math.round(timeLeft/1000); 

      // Set to 0 if negative 
      if (timeLeft < 0) timeLeft = 0; 

     // Extract minutes and seconds for display 
     var secs = timeLeft % 60; 
     var mins = (timeLeft-secs)/60; 

     // Change <span> content 

etkileyecek ulaşmak için javascript kullanabilirsiniz. gün öncesi gün sayımı nasıl eklenir? –


"var secs = timeLeft% 60; varmins = (timeLeft-secs)/60;" saat ve günleri de ayıklayan bir şey tarafından parçası. –


O ans yukarıdan


    <div id="countdown"></div> 


function countdown(remain) { 
var countdown = document.getElementById("countdown"), 
    timer = setInterval(function() { 
     countdown.innerHTML = (remain%60 < 10 ? "0": "") + remain %60; 
     if (--remain < 0) { clearInterval(timer); } 
