2011-07-13 12 views

Java'da openoffice karmaşık araç çubuğu oluşturmak için web üzerinde herhangi bir örnek var mı? Java hiçbir C örneklerini buldum ++ ama: http://wiki.services.openoffice.org/wiki/Framework/Article/Generic_UNO_Interfaces_for_complex_toolbar_controls i bir uygulayan bu yazıyı http://java.dzone.com/news/lets-extend-openofficeorg-java#comment-53245 bulunduopenoffice java içinde Karmaşık araç çubuğu

java karmaşık bir araç çubuğu kullanır inşa etmek ve OO addon nasıl bir makale veya öğretici ihtiyacı

java PopupMenuController. Aynı işlemi yapmayı denedim ama PopupMenuController yerine bir XToolbarController kullanıyordum. Ancak benim denetleyici addon işe yaramazdı. aşağıda benim controller.xcu ve denetleyici sınıfıdır. Neyi yanlış yaptığımı anlatabilir misin? teşekkürler.

benim Controller.xcu:

benim araç çubuğu denetleyicisi sınıfı
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> 
<oor:component-data xmlns:oor="http://openoffice.org/2001/registry" xmlns:xs="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" oor:name="Controller" oor:package="org.openoffice.Office.UI"> 
    <node oor:name="Registered"> 
    <node oor:name="ToolBar"> 
     <node oor:name="c10" oor:op="replace"> 
     <prop oor:name="Command"> 
     <prop oor:name="Module"> 
     <prop oor:name="Controller"> 


public final class Toolbar extends ComponentBase 
    implements com.sun.star.util.XUpdatable, 
    private final XComponentContext m_xContext; 
    private static final String m_implementationName = Toolbar.class.getName(); 
    private static final String[] m_serviceNames = { 
     &quot;com.sun.star.frame.ToolbarController&quot; }; 
private String msInternalName = &quot;i do not now&quot;; 
    private XComponent mxDocument; 
    private XTextComponent fixedText; 
    private XComboBox cBox_xComboBox; 
private XMultiComponentFactory mxMCF; 
    public XMultiServiceFactory mxMSF; 
    public Toolbar(XComponentContext context) 
     m_xContext = context; 


    public static XSingleComponentFactory __getComponentFactory(String sImplementationName) { 
     XSingleComponentFactory xFactory = null; 

     if (sImplementationName.equals(m_implementationName)) 
      xFactory = Factory.createComponentFactory(Toolbar.class, m_serviceNames); 
     return xFactory; 

    public static boolean __writeRegistryServiceInfo(XRegistryKey xRegistryKey) { 
     return Factory.writeRegistryServiceInfo(m_implementationName, 

    // com.sun.star.util.XUpdatable: 
    public void update() 
     // TODO: Insert your implementation for &quot;update&quot; here. 

    // com.sun.star.frame.XToolbarController: 
    public void execute(short KeyModifier) 
     // TODO: Insert your implementation for &quot;execute&quot; here. 

    public void click() 
     // TODO: Insert your implementation for &quot;click&quot; here. 

    public void doubleClick() 
     // TODO: Insert your implementation for &quot;doubleClick&quot; here. 

    public com.sun.star.awt.XWindow createPopupWindow() 
     // TODO: Exchange the default return implementation for &quot;createPopupWindow&quot; !!! 
     // NOTE: Default initialized polymorphic structs can cause problems 
     // because of missing default initialization of primitive types of 
     // some C++ compilers or different Any initialization in Java and C++ 
     // polymorphic structs. 
     return null; 

    public com.sun.star.awt.XWindow createItemWindow(com.sun.star.awt.XWindow Parent) 
     System.out.println(&quot;ToolbarCombobox createItemWindow start&quot;); 

// xMSF is set by initialize(Object[]) 
     try { 
// get XWindowPeer 
     XWindowPeer xWinPeer = (XWindowPeer) UnoRuntime.queryInterface(XWindowPeer.class, Parent); 
     Object o = mxMSF.createInstance(&quot;com.sun.star.awt.Toolkit&quot;); 
     XToolkit xToolkit = (XToolkit) UnoRuntime.queryInterface(XToolkit.class, o); 
// create WindowDescriptor 
     WindowDescriptor wd = new WindowDescriptor(); 
     wd.Type = WindowClass.SIMPLE; 
     wd.Parent = xWinPeer; 
     wd.Bounds = new Rectangle(0, 0, 230, 23); 
     wd.ParentIndex = (short) -1; 
     wd.WindowAttributes = WindowAttribute.SHOW |VclWindowPeerAttribute .DROPDOWN; 
     wd.WindowServiceName = &quot;combobox&quot;; 
// create ComboBox 
     XWindowPeer cBox_xWinPeer = xToolkit.createWindow(wd); 
     cBox_xComboBox = (XComboBox) UnoRuntime.queryInterface(XComboBox.class, cBox_xWinPeer); 
// Get Interface for manipulating the text in the combobox 
     fixedText = (XTextComponent)UnoRuntime.queryInterface(XTextComponent.class,cBox_xComboBox); 
     fixedText.setText(&quot;Enter Command Here&quot;); 
     XWindow cBox_xWindow = (XWindow) UnoRuntime.queryInterface(XWindow.class, cBox_xWinPeer); 
// add some elements 
     cBox_xComboBox.addItems(new String[] { &quot;test&quot;, &quot;foo&quot;, &quot;bar&quot;, &quot;test2&quot;, &quot;foo2&quot;, &quot;bar2&quot; }, (short) 0); 
// cBox_xComboBox.addItems(new String[] {&quot;&quot;}, (short) 4); 
     cBox_xComboBox.setDropDownLineCount((short) 6); 

     System.out.println(&quot;ToolbarCombobox createItemWindow end&quot;); 

     return cBox_xWindow; 

     } catch (com.sun.star.uno.Exception e) { 
     System.out.println(&quot;ToolbarCombobox createItemWindow end not o.k.&quot;); 
     return null; } 

    // com.sun.star.lang.XEventListener: 
    public void disposing(com.sun.star.lang.EventObject Source) 
     // TODO: Insert your implementation for &quot;disposing&quot; here. 

    // com.sun.star.frame.XStatusListener: 
    public void statusChanged(com.sun.star.frame.FeatureStateEvent State) 
     // TODO: Insert your implementation for &quot;statusChanged&quot; here. 

    // com.sun.star.lang.XServiceInfo: 
    public String getImplementationName() { 
     return m_implementationName; 

    public boolean supportsService(String sService) { 
     int len = m_serviceNames.length; 

     for(int i=0; i &lt; len; i++) { 
      if (sService.equals(m_serviceNames[i])) 
       return true; 
     return false; 

    public String[] getSupportedServiceNames() { 
     return m_serviceNames; 

    // com.sun.star.lang.XInitialization: 
    public void initialize(Object[] aArguments) throws com.sun.star.uno.Exception 
     if (aArguments.length &gt; 0) 
      mxMCF = m_xContext.getServiceManager(); 

      mxMSF = (XMultiServiceFactory) UnoRuntime.queryInterface(XMultiServiceFactory.class, mxMCF); 


    // com.sun.star.frame.XSubToolbarController: 
    public boolean opensSubToolbar() 
     // TODO: Exchange the default return implementation for &quot;opensSubToolbar&quot; !!! 
     // NOTE: Default initialized polymorphic structs can cause problems 
     // because of missing default initialization of primitive types of 
     // some C++ compilers or different Any initialization in Java and C++ 
     // polymorphic structs. 
     return false; 

    public String getSubToolbarName() 
     // TODO: Exchange the default return implementation for &quot;getSubToolbarName&quot; !!! 
     // NOTE: Default initialized polymorphic structs can cause problems 
     // because of missing default initialization of primitive types of 
     // some C++ compilers or different Any initialization in Java and C++ 
     // polymorphic structs. 
     return new String(); 

    public void functionSelected(String aCommand) 
     // TODO: Insert your implementation for &quot;functionSelected&quot; here. 

    public void updateImage() 
     // TODO: Insert your implementation for &quot;updateImage&quot; here. 




çözümdür Bir Addons.xcu dosyasını aşağıdaki gibi kullanmak için. Addons.xcu, Controller.xcu'daki "Command" özelliğine başvurmak için bir "URL" özelliğine sahip olmalıdır.

<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?> 
<oor:component-data xmlns:oor="http://openoffice.org/2001/registry" xmlns:xs="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema" oor:name="Addons" oor:package="org.openoffice.Office"> 
<node oor:name="AddonUI"> 
    <node oor:name="OfficeToolBar"> 
     <node oor:name="com.example.toolbar.ToolbarAddOn" oor:op="replace"> 
      <node oor:name="a1_0" oor:op="replace"> 
       <prop oor:name="URL"> 
       <prop oor:name="Title"> 
       <prop oor:name="Context" oor:type="xs:string"> 

değil bir makale, ancak bu adamlar görünüyor bunu anladım adres: http://www.oooforum.org/forum/viewtopic.phtml?t=85610


Bu iş parçacığı gördüm ama çok yararlı değil. başka bir şekilde yapıyor. ToolbarController için http://java.dzone.com/news/lets-extend-openofficeorg-java#comment-53245 – othman


adresinde yapıldığı gibi ToolbarController ile ilgilenmekteyim, controller.xcu ile ilgili olduğundan şüpheliyim . "Komuta" elemanı için ne koymak? ' com.example.toolbar: Araç Çubuğu ' – othman

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