2016-04-03 21 views

Bu benim geçerli kodum ve bir pencerede görüntülenir, ancak tam olarak yazdığım şekilde yazdırır (açıkçası). Fakat bunları yazmanın bir yolu var, böylece güçler/üsler olarak gösteriliyorlar mı?GUI'de python'da üst simgeler yazmanın bir yolu var mı?

this is what it looks like

rightanswers = [0,1,2,3,4] #These are the correct answers 

Bu değiştirilmesi gerekir biraz Ben sadece ne zaman ihtiyaç durumunda kalan ekledik. Gibi "Bu

questionNum = 0 


questions = [0,"Given that y = x^4 + 6x^1/2, find dy/dx","Write down the value of 125^1/3","Fully factorise 9x^2 - 25","Find the value of 8^5/3"] 

answer1 = [0,"4x^4 + 3x^1/2","25","(3x-5)(3x+5)","1/2"] 

answer2 = [0,"4x^3 + 6x^1/2","1/5","(3x+5)(3x+5)","Answer 2 (4)"] 

answer3 = [0,"4x^3 + 6x^-1/2","5","(3x-5)(3x-5)","Answer 3 (4)"] 

answer4 = [0,"4x^3 + 1/2x^-3/2","125","(9x+5)(x-5)","Answer 4 (4)"] 

o göründüğünü Ne olduğunu görmek için:

from tkinter import * #The TKinter module imported in order to create the menus 
import sys #Invoke functions and statements - allows operations to work and searches for named modules i.e. TKinter 
global questionNum #Connections between functinos and arrays 

questionNum = 0 
questions = [0,"Given that y = x^4 + 6x^1/2, find dy/dx","Write down the value of 125^1/3","Fully factorise 9x^2 - 25","Find the value of 8^5/3"] #This is the question bank which has been set up as an array 
answer1 = [0,"4x^4 + 3x^1/2","25","(3x-5)(3x+5)","1/2"] #These are the possible answers - this is where multiple choice answers would go 
answer2 = [0,"4x^3 + 6x^1/2","1/5","(3x+5)(3x+5)","Answer 2 (4)"] 
answer3 = [0,"4x^3 + 6x^-1/2","5","(3x-5)(3x-5)","Answer 3 (4)"] 
answer4 = [0,"4x^3 + 1/2x^-3/2","125","(9x+5)(x-5)","Answer 4 (4)"] 
rightanswers = [0,1,2,3,4] #These are the correct answers 

normal = Tk() #Build the TKinter 
normal.geometry("850x350") #Set the size of the normal chess form to 850x350 
normal.title("Normal Chess") #Sets a title for the normal chess form 
normal.columnconfigure(1,minsize = 300) #This is whereabouts the question and answers are displayed 
questionVar = StringVar() #Question will be a string 
answerVar = IntVar() #Answers will be numbers 
answerVar.set(1) #Questions can only have one solution 
aText = StringVar() #Text for the answers - options 
bText = StringVar() 
cText = StringVar() 
dText = StringVar() 
qNoText = StringVar() #Questions text which is displayed to the user 
questionText = StringVar() 
normal.withdraw() #Allows the user to only select one option 

title = Tk() #Builds the TKinter 
title.title("Chess") #Title of the form 
title.geometry("300x300") #The size of the image 
watermark = PhotoImage(file = "watermark.gif") #Link to the image itself 
Label(image = watermark).place(x=0,y=0,relwidth=1,relheight=1) #Places the image onto the form set on the x,y coordinates 

menu = Tk() #Builds the TKinter 
menu.title("Main Menu") #Displays 'Main Menu' on screen 
menu.geometry("400x350") #Size of the form 
p1var = StringVar() #Sets a variable for Player 1 and Player 2 
p2var = StringVar() 

def Quit(): #Quit function - allows the user to exit the program 
    sys.exit() #Gets rid of all the modules 

def play(): 
    Label(title,text = "Enter Details:",font = ("Calibri",25)).grid(row = 1, column = 1) 
    #'Enter Details' font, size and location on the form 
    Label(title,text = "CHESS",font = ("Calibri",50)).grid(row = 0,column = 1) 
    #'CHESS' font, size and location on the form 
    Label(title, text = "Player 1: ").grid(row = 2,column = 0) 
    #'Player 1' font, size and location on the form 
    Entry(title,textvariable = p1var,width = 30).grid(row = 2,column = 1) 
    #Allows the user to input a string for the player 1 name 
    Label(title, text = "Player 2: ").grid(row = 3,column = 0) 
    #'Player 2' font, size and location on the form 
    Entry(title,textvariable = p2var,width = 30).grid(row = 3,column = 1) 
    #Allows the user to input a string for the player 2 name 
    Label(title,text = "Select Game Mode: ").grid(row = 4,column = 1) 
    #'Select Game Mode: ' font, size and location on the form 
    Button(title,command = lambda: playNormalChess(p1var.get(),p2var.get()),text = "Normal Chess").grid(row = 6,column = 1,sticky = W) 
    #Button for normal chess 
    Button(title,command = lambda: playSpeedChess(p1var.get(),p2var.get()),text = "Speed Chess").grid(row = 6,column = 1,sticky = E) 
    #Button for speed chess 
    Button(title,command = instructions,text = "Instructions").grid(row = 7,column = 1,pady =10) 
    #Button for instructions 

def playNormalChess(p1,p2): 
    t = Label(textvariable = qNoText,font = ("Arial",50)).grid(row = 0,column = 1,sticky = W,columnspan=2,padx = 20,pady =10) 
    #Functions for selection 
    q =Label(textvariable = questionVar,font = ("Arial",30)).grid(row = 1,column = 1,sticky = W,columnspan=2,padx = 20,pady =10) 
    #Font and size the questions are set in 
    a=Radiobutton(variable = answerVar,value = 1,textvariable = aText,font = ("Arial",18)).grid(row = 3,column = 1,pady =5,padx = 20,sticky = W) 
    #These are the radio buttons which are linked to the answers - set the font and the size of the text 
    b=Radiobutton(variable = answerVar,value = 2,textvariable = bText,font = ("Arial",18)).grid(row = 4,column = 1,padx = 20,sticky = W) 
    c=Radiobutton(variable = answerVar,value = 3,textvariable = cText,font = ("Arial",18)).grid(row =5,column = 1,pady = 5,padx = 20,sticky = W) 
    d=Radiobutton(variable = answerVar,value=4,textvariable = dText,font = ("Arial",18)).grid(row = 6,column = 1,padx = 20,sticky = W) 
    Button(text = "Submit",command = confirm).grid(row =0,column = 3,sticky = W,pady = 10) #Submit button to confirm their answers 
    newQuestion() #Calls the function for a new question 

def confirm(): 
    if messagebox.askyesno('Confirm','Are You Sure?'): #This is the conformation of the correct answer for the user 
      if answerVar.get() == rightanswers[questionNum]: #If they select yes to confirm they are happy with the selection 
      # - it checks their answer with the correct answer and prints 'Right' or 'Wrong' depending on their answer 

      newQuestion() #Once their question is answered, a new question will be presented to them 
     except IndexError: 
      print("No more Questions") 

def newQuestion(): 
    global questionNum 
    questionNum = questionNum + 1 

     qNoText.set("Question "+str(questionNum)) 
    except IndexError: 
     print("No more questions") 

Label(menu,text = "AS Maths Chess",font = ("Arial",37)).pack(pady = 20) 
Button(menu,text = "Play",background = "black",foreground = "white",font = ("Arial",20),command = play).pack(ipadx = 80,ipady = 20, pady = 10) 
Button(menu,text = "Quit",font = ("Arial",20),command = Quit).pack(ipadx = 80,ipady = 20, pady = 10) 

ilgili: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/13875507/convert-numeric-strings-to-superscript/13875688#13875688 – Gerrat


Bu 9 yıl önce istendi: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/17768347/bir tuvale-nesneyi temsil eden nesne-in-tkinter Benim önerim: Tkinter'i ve Gtk, wxWidgets veya Qt'yi kullanın – saeedgnu


@saeedgnu: neden tinkter'i unutun? Tkinter, özellikle GUI programlamayı nasıl yapacağınızı öğrenmek için harika bir araç takımıdır. –



Unicode üst simge sayısına sahip s, aritmetik işleçler ve tcl/tk tarafından desteklenen BMP'deki bazı harfler. Bkz Wikipedia. Bu kısıtlamalar içinde ve destekleyici bir yazı tipi verildiğinde, cevap evet. Windows, IDLE'dan çalıştıran, aşağıdaki güzel çalışır ve güzel görünüyor, ancak tk yazı tipini, gözümle kolayca üst simge olarak görmek isterdim.

import tkinter as tk 
root = tk.Tk() 
# "4x^4 + 3x^1/2" 
t1 = "4x\u2074 + 3x\u207b\u00b2" # \u excapes, if needed 
t2 = "4x⁴ + 3x⁻²" 
label = tk.Label(root, text=t2) 

Üstel bölümler için Unicode kodları ?? Ben wiki tarafından sağlanan birini kullanmayı denedim ama sadece kesir yerine 'U + 00B9' yazdırır. Diğerleri olsa da çalışır. – Inderbir


'U + ####' veya 'U + ########' Unicode standartlarının Unicode kod noktaları için gösterimleridir. '\ u ####' ve '\ U ########', '\ n' ve' \ x ## 'gibi oldukça yaygın ters eğik çizgi gösterimlerine dayalı olarak, Python’un dize kaçış notasyonudur. –

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